Eric Guntermann
Eric Guntermann
Independent Researcher
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The impact of the economy on presidential elections throughout US history
E Guntermann, GS Lenz, JR Myers
Political Behavior 43, 837-857, 2021
Linking party preferences and the composition of government: A new standard for evaluating the performance of electoral democracy
A Blais, E Guntermann, MA Bodet
Political Science Research and Methods 5 (2), 315-331, 2017
Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope
A Brodeur, D Mikola, N Cook
IZA Discussion Paper, 2024
A study of voting behaviour in an exceptional context: The 2017 Catalan election study
E Guntermann, A Blais, I Lago, M Guinjoan
European Political Science 19, 288-301, 2020
Issue voting and government responsiveness to policy preferences
E Guntermann, M Persson
Political Behavior 45 (2), 561-584, 2023
The lesbian, gay and bisexual vote in a more tolerant Canada
E Guntermann, E Beauvais
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2022
Are inequalities in representation lower under compulsory voting?
E Guntermann, R Dassonneville, P Miller
Building Inclusive Elections, 39-59, 2020
Party influence on opinions where predispositions are strong and party identification is weak: Assessing citizens’ reactions to party cues on regional nationalism in Spain
E Guntermann
Party Politics, 2017
Does economic inequality undermine political equality? Testing two common assumptions
E Guntermann
Electoral Studies 69, 102202, 2021
Still not important enough? COVID-19 policy views and vote choice
E Guntermann, G Lenz
Perspectives on Politics 20 (2), 547-561, 2022
When faced with elite polarization, citizens take sides: The 2017 election in Catalonia
E Guntermann, A Blais
Regional & Federal Studies 32 (2), 141-159, 2022
Canadian parties matter more than you think: party and leader ratings moderate party cue effects
E Guntermann, E Lachapelle
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2020
Party preference representation
A Blais, E Guntermann, V Arel-Bundock, R Dassonneville, JF Laslier, ...
Party Politics 28 (1), 48-60, 2022
How do voters react when their party forms a coalition they dislike?
E Guntermann, A Blais
West European Politics 43 (7), 1480-1489, 2020
Policy preferences influence vote choice when a new party emerges: Evidence from the 2017 French Presidential Election
E Guntermann, R Lachat
Political Studies 71 (3), 795-814, 2023
Following the coalition? Testing the impact of coalitions on policy preferences in Germany
E Guntermann, S Quinlan
Party Politics 28 (2), 318-328, 2022
Beyond party identification
E Guntermann
Research Handbook on Political Partisanship, 335-348, 2020
Replication of" Re-Assessing Elite-Public Gaps in Political Behavior" by Joshua Kertzer
E Guntermann, GS Lenz
I4R Discussion Paper Series, 2022
Learning During the 2020 US Presidential Election: More Information Does Not Mean Better Voting Decisions
E Guntermann, GS Lenz
Policy voting and the representation of policy preferences
E Guntermann, M Persson, M Gilljam
A paper prepared for presentation at the EPSA conference, Milan, June 22, 24, 2017
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