Sara M. Imani
Sara M. Imani
Post Doctoral Fellow, McMaster University
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Cited by
Intelligent Food Packaging: A Review of Smart Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Food Quality
H Yousefi, HM Su, SM Imani, K Alkhaldi, CD M. Filipe, TF Didar
ACS sensors 4 (4), 808-821, 2019
Antimicrobial nanomaterials and coatings: Current mechanisms and future perspectives to control the spread of viruses including SARS-CoV-2
SM Imani, L Ladouceur, T Marshall, R Maclachlan, L Soleymani, TF Didar
ACS nano 14 (10), 12341-12369, 2020
Lubricant-infused surfaces with built-in functional biomolecules exhibit simultaneous repellency and tunable cell adhesion
M Badv, SM Imani, JI Weitz, TF Didar
ACS nano 12 (11), 10890-10902, 2018
Flexible Hierarchical Wraps Repel Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative and Positive Bacteria
SM Imani, R Maclachlan, K Rachwalski, Y Chan, B Lee, M McInnes, ...
ACS nano 14 (1), 454-465, 2019
Self-cleaning ceramic tiles produced via stable coating of TiO2 nanoparticles
A Shakeri, D Yip, M Badv, S Imani, M Sanjari, T Didar
Materials 11 (6), 1003, 2018
Micropatterned biofunctional lubricant-infused surfaces promote selective localized cell adhesion and patterning
SM Imani, M Badv, A Shakeri, H Yousefi, D Yip, C Fine, TF Didar
Lab on a Chip 19 (19), 3228-3237, 2019
Fabrication of superamphiphobic surfaces via spray coating; a review
N Abu Jarad, H Imran, SM Imani, TF Didar, L Soleymani
Advanced Materials Technologies 7 (10), 2101702, 2022
Plasma-induced covalent immobilization and patterning of bioactive species in microfluidic devices
A Shakeri, SM Imani, E Chen, H Yousefi, R Shabbir, TF Didar
Lab on a Chip 19 (18), 3104-3115, 2019
Hierarchical Structures, with Submillimeter Patterns, Micrometer Wrinkles, and Nanoscale Decorations, Suppress Biofouling and Enable Rapid Droplet Digitization
SM Imani, R Maclachlan, Y Chan, A Shakeri, L Soleymani, TF Didar
Small 16 (50), 2004886, 2020
Liquid NanoBiosensors Enable One‐Pot Electrochemical Detection of Bacteria in Complex Matrices
SM Imani, E Osman, F Bakhshandeh, S Qian, S Sakib, M MacDonald, ...
Advanced Science, 2207223, 2023
Intelligent food packaging: a review of smart sensing technologies for monitoring food quality. ACS Sensors, 4, 808-821
H Yousefi, HM Su, SM Imani, K Alkhaldi, CDM Filipe, TF Didar
Pathogen-Repellent Plastic Wrap with Built-In Hierarchical Structuring Prevents the Contamination of Surfaces with Coronaviruses
R MacLachlan, F Vahedi, SM Imani, AA Ashkar, TF Didar, L Soleymani
ACS applied materials & interfaces 14 (9), 11068-11077, 2022
Biofunctional interfaces for cell culture in microfluidic devices
A Shakeri, S Rahmani, SM Imani, M Osborne, H Yousefi, TF Didar
Bioelectronics and Medical Devices, 635-699, 2019
Superomniphobic and Photoactive Surface Presents Antimicrobial Properties by Repelling and Killing Pathogens
R MacLachlan, F Kanji, S Sakib, S Khan, C Pattyn, S M. Imani, TF Didar, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023
Omniphobic surfaces with hierarchical structures, and methods of making and uses thereof
L Soleymani, R Maclachlan, SM Imani, Y Chan, T Didar
US Patent App. 17/616,374, 2022
Correction to “A Pathogen Repellent Plastic Wrap with Built-In Hierarchical Structuring Prevents the Contamination of Surfaces with Coronaviruses”
R MacLachlan, F Vahedi, SM Imani, AA Ashkar, TF Didar, L Soleymani
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (16), 19076-19076, 2022
Hierarchical Omniphobic Surfaces for Pathogen Repellency and Biosensing
S Moetakef Imani
Fabrication of Superamphiphobic Surfaces via Spray Coating; a Review
NA Jarad, H Imran, SM Imani, TF Didar, L Soleymani
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Articles 1–18