Milos Krstajic
Milos Krstajic
Research Scientist, Data Analysis and Visualization, University of Konstanz, Germany
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Cited by
Cloudlines: Compact display of event episodes in multiple time-series
M Krstajic, E Bertini, D Keim
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (12), 2432-2439, 2011
Eventriver: Visually exploring text collections with temporal references
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (1), 93-105, 2010
Event-based analysis of people's activities and behavior using Flickr and Panoramio geotagged photo collections
S Kisilevich, M Krstajic, D Keim, N Andrienko, G Andrienko
2010 14th International Conference Information Visualisation, 289-296, 2010
Visualization of streaming data: Observing change and context in information visualization techniques
M Krstajić, DA Keim
2013 IEEE international conference on big data, 41-47, 2013
Getting there first: Real-time detection of real-world incidents on Twitter
M Krstajic, C Rohrdantz, M Blumenschein, A Weiler
Story tracker: Incremental visual text analytics of news story development
M Krstajić, M Najm-Araghi, F Mansmann, DA Keim
Information Visualization 12 (3-4), 308-323, 2013
Processing online news streams for large-scale semantic analysis
M Krstajić, F Mansmann, A Stoffel, M Atkinson, DA Keim
2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW …, 2010
Real-time visualization of streaming text data: Tasks and challenges
C Rohrdantz, D Oelke, M Krstajic, F Fischer
Visual analysis of news streams with article threads
M Krstajić, E Bertini, F Mansmann, DA Keim
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Novel Data Stream Pattern …, 2010
Incremental visual text analytics of news story development
M Krstajic, M Najm-Araghi, F Mansmann, DA Keim
Visualization and Data Analysis 2012 8294, 49-60, 2012
Real-time visual analytics for text streams
DA Keim, M Krstajic, C Rohrdantz, T Schreck
Streamsqueeze: a dynamic stream visualization for monitoring of event data
F Mansmann, M Krstajic, F Fischer, E Bertini
Visualization and Data Analysis 2012 8294, 13-24, 2012
EventRiver: interactive visual exploration of constantly evolving text collections
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, J Fan, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010
Eventriver: An event-based visual analytics approach to exploring large text collections with a temporal focus
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, J Fan, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (1), 93-105, 2012
The News Auditor: Visual Exploration of Clusters of Stories.
M Behrisch, M Krstajic, T Schreck, DA Keim
EuroVA@ EuroVis, 2012
Large-scale comparative sentiment analysis of news articles
F Wanner, C Rohrdantz, F Mansmann, A Stoffel, D Oelke, M Krstajic, ...
Applied visual exploration on real-time news feeds using polarity and geo-spatial analysis
M Krstajic, P Bak, D Oelke, DA Keim, M Atkinson, W Ribarsky
Methods for interactive exploration of large-scale news streams
DA Keim, M Krstajić, P Bak, D Oelke, F Mansmann
Web Intelligence and Security, 139-154, 2010
What's going on? How Twitter and online news can work in synergy to increase situational awareness
C Rohrdantz, M Krstajic, M El Assady, D Keim
Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2012
Visual analytics of temporal event sequences in news streams
M Krstajic
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Articles 1–20