Fast genetic programming on GPUs S Harding, W Banzhaf Genetic Programming: 10th European Conference, EuroGP 2007, Valencia, Spain …, 2007 | 184 | 2007 |
Evolution-in-materio: evolving computation in materials JF Miller, SL Harding, G Tufte Evolutionary Intelligence 7, 49-67, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Self-modifying cartesian genetic programming SL Harding, JF Miller, W Banzhaf Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007 | 101 | 2007 |
Cartesian genetic programming for image processing S Harding, J Leitner, J Schmidhuber Genetic programming theory and practice X, 31-44, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Evolution of image filters on graphics processor units using cartesian genetic programming S Harding 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008 | 82 | 2008 |
Fast genetic programming and artificial developmental systems on GPUs S Harding, W Banzhaf 21st International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and …, 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
Evolution in materio: A tone discriminator in liquid crystal S Harding, JF Miller Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Developments in cartesian genetic programming: self-modifying CGP S Harding, JF Miller, W Banzhaf Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 11, 397-439, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Accelerating Genetic Programming through Graphics Processing Units. W Banzhaf, S Harding, WB Langdon, G Wilson Genetic programming theory and practice VI, 1-19, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
Genetic programming on GPUs for image processing S Harding, W Banzhaf International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 1 (4), 231-240, 2008 | 65 | 2008 |
Evolution in materio: Exploiting the physics of materials for computation SL Harding, JF Miller, EA Rietman arXiv preprint cond-mat/0611462, 2006 | 64 | 2006 |
Distributed genetic programming on GPUs using CUDA SL Harding, W Banzhaf Workshop on Parallel Architectures and Bioinspired Algorithms, 1-10, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
Evolution in materio: Evolving logic gates in liquid crystal S Harding, JF Miller Proc. Eur. Conf. Artif. Life (ECAL 2005), Workshop on Unconventional …, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Evolution of robot controller using cartesian genetic programming S Harding, JF Miller European Conference on Genetic Programming, 62-73, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
Mt-cgp: Mixed type cartesian genetic programming S Harding, V Graziano, J Leitner, J Schmidhuber Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
Evolving novel image features using genetic programming-based image transforms T Kowaliw, W Banzhaf, N Kharma, S Harding 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2502-2507, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
Self modifying cartesian genetic programming: Fibonacci, squares, regression and summing S Harding, JF Miller, W Banzhaf Genetic Programming: 12th European Conference, EuroGP 2009 Tübingen, Germany …, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Self modifying cartesian genetic programming: Parity S Harding, JF Miller, W Banzhaf 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 285-292, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Evolution in materio: A real-time robot controller in liquid crystal S Harding, JF Miller 2005 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH'05), 229-238, 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
Image processing and CGP L Sekanina, SL Harding, W Banzhaf, T Kowaliw Cartesian genetic programming, 181-215, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |