Jared R. Fletcher
Cited by
Cited by
Economy of running: beyond the measurement of oxygen uptake
JR Fletcher, SP Esau, BR MacIntosh
Journal of Applied Physiology 107 (6), 1918-1922, 2009
Changes in tendon stiffness and running economy in highly trained distance runners
JR Fletcher, SP Esau, BR MacIntosh
European journal of applied physiology 110 (5), 1037-1046, 2010
Running economy from a muscle energetics perspective
JR Fletcher, BR MacIntosh
Frontiers in physiology 8, 433, 2017
Achilles tendon strain energy in distance running: consider the muscle energy cost
JR Fletcher, BR MacIntosh
Journal of Applied Physiology 118 (2), 193-199, 2015
Does increased midsole bending stiffness of sport shoes redistribute lower limb joint work during running?
S Cigoja, CR Firminger, MJ Asmussen, JR Fletcher, WB Edwards, ...
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 22 (11), 1272-1277, 2019
Pacing strategy, muscle fatigue, and technique in 1500-m speed-skating and cycling time trials
IK Stoter, BR MacIntosh, JR Fletcher, S Pootz, I Zijdewind, FJ Hettinga
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 11 (3), 337-343, 2016
Increasing the midsole bending stiffness of shoes alters gastrocnemius medialis muscle function during running
S Cigoja, JR Fletcher, M Esposito, DJ Stefanyshyn, BM Nigg
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 749, 2021
Engineering approaches to assessing hydration status
DC Garrett, N Rae, JR Fletcher, S Zarnke, S Thorson, DB Hogan, EC Fear
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 11, 233-248, 2017
Energy cost of running and Achilles tendon stiffness in man and woman trained runners
JR Fletcher, TR Pfister, BR MacIntosh
Physiological reports 1 (7), e00178, 2013
The effects of increased midsole bending stiffness of sport shoes on muscle-tendon unit shortening and shortening velocity: A randomised crossover trial in recreational male …
S Cigoja, MJ Asmussen, CR Firminger, JR Fletcher, WB Edwards, ...
Sports Medicine-Open 6, 1-11, 2020
Can muscle shortening alone, explain the energy cost of muscle contraction in vivo?
JR Fletcher, EM Groves, TR Pfister, BR MacIntosh
European Journal of Applied Physiology 113, 2313-2322, 2013
the stretch-shortening cycle of active muscle and muscle-tendon complex: what, why and how it increases muscle performance?
W Seiberl, D Hahn, GA Power, JR Fletcher, T Siebert
Frontiers in physiology 12, 693141, 2021
Can changes in midsole bending stiffness of shoes affect the onset of joint work redistribution during a prolonged run?
S Cigoja, JR Fletcher, BM Nigg
Journal of Sport and Health Science 11 (3), 293-302, 2022
How can biomechanics improve physical preparation and performance in paralympic athletes? A narrative review
JR Fletcher, T Gallinger, F Prince
Sports 9 (7), 89, 2021
Apparatus and method for processing korotkov sounds
G Hoffler, R Wolthuis, J Fletcher, D Golden
US Patent 3,814,083, 1974
Cumulative metrics of tendon load and damage vary discordantly with running speed
CR Firminger, MJ Asmussen, S Cigoja, JR Fletcher, BM Nigg, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 52 (7), 1549-1556, 2020
Changes in Achilles tendon stiffness and energy cost following a prolonged run in trained distance runners
JR Fletcher, BR MacIntosh
PLoS One 13 (8), e0202026, 2018
Procedures for rat in situ skeletal muscle contractile properties
BR MacIntosh, SP Esau, RJ Holash, JR Fletcher
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 3167, 2011
Estimates of Achilles tendon moment arm length at different ankle joint angles: effect of passive moment
JR Fletcher, BR MacIntosh
Journal of applied biomechanics 34 (3), 220-225, 2018
The parabolic power–velocity relationship does apply to fatigued states
BR MacIntosh, JR Fletcher
European journal of applied physiology 111, 319-320, 2011
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Articles 1–20