Nicolas Roulin
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Cited by
Personnel selection as a signaling game.
A Bangerter, N Roulin, CJ König
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (4), 719-738, 2012
Students’ use of extra-curricular activities for positional advantage in competitive job markets
N Roulin, A Bangerter
Journal of Education and Work 26 (1), 21-47, 2013
Honest and deceptive impression management in the employment interview: Can it be detected and how does it impact evaluations?
N Roulin, A Bangerter, J Levashina
Personnel Psychology 68 (2), 395-444, 2015
LinkedIn as a New Selection Method: Psychometric Properties and Assessment Approach
N Roulin, J Levashina
Personnel Psychology 72 (2), 187-211, 2019
Interviewers’ perceptions of impression management in employment interviews
N Roulin, A Bangerter, J Levashina
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (2), 141-163, 2014
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater: Comparing data quality of crowdsourcing, online panels, and student samples
N Roulin
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and …, 2015
Into the Void: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda for the Design and Use of Asynchronous Video Interviews
ER Lukacik, JS Bourdage, N Roulin
Human Resource Management Review 32 (1), 100789, 2022
Why Your Stigma isn’t Hired: A Dual-Process Framework of Interview Bias
E Derous, A Buijsrogge, N Roulin, W Duyck
Human Resource Management Review 26 (2), 90-111, 2016
Social networking websites in personnel selection
N Roulin, A Bangerter
Journal of Personnel Psychology 12 (3), 143-151, 2013
“I (Might Be) Just That Good”: Honest and Deceptive Impression Management in Employment Interviews
JS Bourdage, N Roulin, R Tarraf
Personnel Psychology 71 (4), 597-632, 2018
A dynamic model of applicant faking
N Roulin, F Krings, S Binggeli
Organizational Psychology Review 6 (2), 145-170, 2016
Once an Impression Manager, Always an Impression Manager? Antecedents of Honest and Deceptive Impression Management Use and Variability across Multiple Job Interviews
N Roulin, J Bourdage
Frontiers in Psychology, 2017
The influence of high-and low-context communication styles on the design, content, and language of business-to-business web sites
JC Usunier, N Roulin
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 47 (2), 189-227, 2010
A review of applicant faking in selection interviews
KG Melchers, N Roulin, AK Buehl
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 28 (2), 123-142, 2020
The Influence of Employers' Use of Social Networking Websites in Selection, Online Self‐promotion, and Personality on the Likelihood of Faux Pas Postings
N Roulin
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (1), 80-87, 2014
Extracurricular activities in young applicants’ résumés: What are the motives behind their involvement?
N Roulin, A Bangerter
International Journal of Psychology 48 (5), 871-880, 2013
Faking to Fit in: Applicants’ Response Strategies to Match Organizational Culture
N Roulin, F Krings
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (2), 130-145, 2020
When winning is everything: The relationship between competitive worldviews and job applicant faking
N Roulin, F Krings
Applied Psychology: An International Review 65 (4), 643–670, 2016
Impression Management and Social Media Profiles
N Roulin, J Levashina
Using Social Media in Selection: Theory, Practice and Future Research, 2016
Understanding the academic–practitioner gap for structured interviews:‘Behavioral’interviews diffuse,‘structured’interviews do not
N Roulin, A Bangerter
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 20 (2), 149-158, 2012
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Articles 1–20