David K. Humphreys
David K. Humphreys
Professor, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford
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Risk and protective factors for intimate partner violence against women: Systematic review and meta-analyses of prospective–longitudinal studies
AR Yakubovich, H Stöckl, J Murray, GJ Melendez-Torres, JI Steinert, ...
American journal of public health 108 (7), e1-e11, 2018
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of young offender treatment programs in Europe
JA Koehler, F Lösel, TD Akoensi, DK Humphreys
Journal of experimental criminology 9, 19-43, 2013
Associations between active commuting and physical and mental wellbeing
DK Humphreys, A Goodman, D Ogilvie
Preventive medicine 57 (2), 135-139, 2013
Domestic violence perpetrator programs in Europe, Part II: A systematic review of the state of evidence
TD Akoensi, JA Koehler, F Lösel, DK Humphreys
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 57 (10 …, 2013
Evaluating the impact of Florida’s “stand your ground” self-defense law on homicide and suicide by firearm: an interrupted time series study
DK Humphreys, A Gasparrini, DJ Wiebe
JAMA internal medicine 177 (1), 44-50, 2017
Can changing the physical environment promote walking and cycling? A systematic review of what works and how
J Panter, C Guell, D Humphreys, D Ogilvie
Health & place 58, 102161, 2019
Overdose among mothers: The association between child removal and unintentional drug overdose in a longitudinal cohort of marginalised women in Canada
M Thumath, D Humphreys, J Barlow, P Duff, M Braschel, B Bingham, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 91, 102977, 2021
Changing the environment to improve population health: a framework for considering exposure in natural experimental studies
DK Humphreys, J Panter, S Sahlqvist, A Goodman, D Ogilvie
J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (9), 941-946, 2016
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of European drug treatment programmes on reoffending
JA Koehler, DK Humphreys, TD Akoensi, O Sánchez de Ribera, F Lösel
Psychology, Crime & Law 20 (6), 584-602, 2014
Evaluating the impact of flexible alcohol trading hours on violence: an interrupted time series analysis
DK Humphreys, MP Eisner, DJ Wiebe
PloS one 8 (2), e55581, 2013
Effectiveness of cash-plus programmes on early childhood outcomes compared to cash transfers alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis in low-and middle-income countries
MT Little, K Roelen, BCL Lange, JI Steinert, AR Yakubovich, L Cluver, ...
PLoS medicine 18 (9), e1003698, 2021
Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858–2016: an observational, time-series analysis
M Degli Esposti, DK Humphreys, BM Jenkins, A Gasparrini, S Pooley, ...
The Lancet Public Health 4 (3), e148-e158, 2019
Child maltreatment and the risk of antisocial behaviour: A population-based cohort study spanning 50 years
M Degli Esposti, SMP Pereira, DK Humphreys, RD Sale, L Bowes
Child abuse & neglect 99, 104281, 2020
Synthesising evidence for equity impacts of population-based physical activity interventions: a pilot study
DK Humphreys, D Ogilvie
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10, 1-9, 2013
Do flexible alcohol trading hours reduce violence? A theory-based natural experiment in alcohol policy
DK Humphreys, MP Eisner
Social Science & Medicine 102, 1-9, 2014
Risk and protective factors for men’s sexual violence against women at higher education institutions: A systematic and meta-analytic review of the longitudinal evidence
B Steele, M Martin, A Yakubovich, DK Humphreys, E Nye
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 23 (3), 716-732, 2022
What works to promote walking at the population level? A systematic review
C Foster, P Kelly, HAB Reid, N Roberts, EM Murtagh, DK Humphreys, ...
British journal of sports medicine 52 (12), 807-812, 2018
Making sense of the evidence in population health intervention research: building a dry stone wall
D Ogilvie, A Bauman, L Foley, C Guell, D Humphreys, J Panter
BMJ Global Health 5 (12), e004017, 2020
A cumulative meta‐analysis of the effects of individual physical activity interventions targeting healthy adults
R Love, J Adams, EMF van Sluijs, C Foster, D Humphreys
Obesity reviews 19 (8), 1164-1172, 2018
Evaluating a natural experiment in alcohol policy: the Licensing Act (2003) and the requirement for attention to implementation
DK Humphreys, MP Eisner
Criminology & Public Policy 9 (1), 41-67, 2010
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Articles 1–20