William E Crozier
William E Crozier
NC Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
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Cited by
Driven to failure: An empirical analysis of driver's license suspension in North Carolina
WE Crozier, BL Garrett
Duke LJ 69, 1585, 2019
Believing is seeing: Biased viewing of body-worn camera footage
KA Jones, WE Crozier, D Strange
Journal of applied research in memory and cognition 6 (4), 460-474, 2017
Memory errors in alibi generation: How an alibi can turn against us
WE Crozier, D Strange, EF Loftus
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 35 (1), 6-17, 2017
Error rates, likelihood ratios, and jury evaluation of forensic evidence
BL Garrett, WE Crozier, R Grady
Journal of Forensic Sciences 65 (4), 1199-1209, 2020
Objectivity is a myth for you but not for me or police: A bias blind spot for viewing and remembering criminal events.
KA Jones, WE Crozier, D Strange
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 24 (2), 259, 2018
Memory errors in police interviews: The bait question as a source of misinformation
TJ Luke, WE Crozier, D Strange
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 6 (3), 260-273, 2017
Correcting the misinformation effect
WE Crozier, D Strange
Applied Cognitive Psychology 33 (4), 585-595, 2019
Open prosecution
BL Garrett, WE Crozier, K Dahaghi, EJ Gifford, C Grodensky, ...
Stan. L. Rev. 75, 1365, 2023
Look there! The effect of perspective, attention, and instructions on how people understand recorded police encounters
KA Jones, WE Crozier, D Strange
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 37 (6), 711-731, 2019
Mock jurors’ evaluation of firearm examiner testimony.
BL Garrett, N Scurich, WE Crozier
Law and human behavior 44 (5), 412, 2020
Juror appraisals of forensic evidence: Effects of blind proficiency and cross-examination
WE Crozier, J Kukucka, BL Garrett
Forensic Science International 315, 110433, 2020
Taking the bait: Interrogation questions about hypothetical evidence may inflate perceptions of guilt
WE Crozier, TJ Luke, D Strange
Psychology, crime & law 26 (9), 902-925, 2020
Undeliverable: Suspended driver's licenses and the problem of notice
B Garrett, K Modjadidi, W Crozier IV
UCLA Crim. Just. L. Rev. 4, 185, 2020
Rethinking the ken through the lens of psychological science
JM Chin, WE Crozier
Osgoode Hall LJ 55, 625, 2018
The transparency of jail data
WE Crozier, BL Garrett, A Krishnamurthy
Wake Forest L. Rev. 55, 821, 2020
Contaminated confessions: How source and consistency of confession details influence memory and attributions
F Alceste, WE Crozier, D Strange
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 8 (1), 78-91, 2019
Virtual criminal courts
D Ariturk, WE Crozier, BL Garrett
U. Chi. L. Rev. Online, 57, 2020
Sensitizing jurors to eyewitness confidence using “reason-based” judicial instructions.
BL Garrett, WE Crozier, K Modjadidi, AJ Liu, K Kafadar, J Yaffe, ...
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 12 (1), 141, 2023
Court date reminders reduce court nonappearance: A meta‐analysis
SA Zottola, WE Crozier, D Ariturk, SL Desmarais
Criminology & Public Policy 22 (1), 97-123, 2023
Right place, wrong time: The limitations of mental reinstatement of context on alibi-elicitation
SA Cardenas, W Crozier, D Strange
Psychology, crime & law 27 (3), 201-230, 2021
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Articles 1–20