Karine Vanthuyne
Cited by
Cited by
Towards a relational ethics: Rethinking ethics, agency and dependency in research with children and youth
F Meloni, K Vanthuyne, C Rousseau
Anthropological Theory 15 (1), 106-123, 2015
Health workers' perceptions of access to care for children and pregnant women with precarious immigration status: Health as a right or a privilege?
K Vanthuyne, F Meloni, M Ruiz-Casares, C Rousseau, A Ricard-Guay
Social science & medicine 93, 78-85, 2013
Becoming Maya? The politics and pragmatics of “being indigenous” in postgenocide Guatemala
K Vanthuyne
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 32 (2), 195-217, 2009
Searching for the words to say it: the importance of cultural idioms in the articulation of the experience of mental illness
K Vanthuyne
Ethos 31 (3), 412-433, 2003
La présence d'un passé de violences
K Vanthuyne
Presses de l'Université Laval, 2014
Power through testimony: Reframing residential schools in the age of reconciliation
B Capitaine, K Vanthuyne
UBC Press, 2017
Ethnographier les silences de la violence 1
K Vanthuyne
Anthropologie et sociétés 32, 64-71, 2008
Guatemala: se souvenir de la guerre, devenir une victime
K Vanthuyne
Problèmes d’Amérique latine 68, 81-102, 2008
" I want to move forward. You can move forward too." articulating indigenous self-determination at the truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
K Vanthuyne
Human Rights Quarterly 43 (2), 355-377, 2021
Surviving in the margins of a genocide case in the making: recognizing the economy of testimony at stake in research on political violence
K Vanthuyne, R Falla
Journal of Genocide Research 18 (2-3), 207-224, 2016
L’anthropologie à l’épreuve des politiques du témoignage: De Rigoberta Menchú aux «victimes innocentes» du conflit armé interne guatémaltèque
K Vanthuyne
Ethnologie française 41 (3), 453-463, 2011
Les contradictions d'une reconstruction démocratique «par le bas»
K Vanthuyne
Politix 80 (4), 81-107, 2007
Mining the Land While Sustaining Iiyiyiuituwin: Exercising Indigenous Sovereignty through Collaboration in Eeyou Istchee
K Vanthuyne, M Gauthier
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2022
Loving to reconcile: Love as a political emotion at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
R Green, B Capitaine, K Vanthuyne
Power through testimony: Reframing residential schools in the age of …, 2017
Construire la paix au Guatemala: analyse critique des modalités d'intervention mises en oeuvre par trois ONG guatémaltèques
K Vanthuyne
Anthropologica, 101-115, 2006
Guatemala. Des ONG œuvrant pour la «paix»
K Vanthuyne
Journal de la société des américanistes 90 (90-1), 240-258, 2004
Remembering Residential Schools, Accounting for Decolonization through Development: Conflicting Viewpoints
K Vanthuyne
InB. Capitaine et K. Vanthuyne (dir.), Power through Testimony. Reframing …, 2017
La justice transitionnelle à l’épreuve d’inégalités structurelles historiques au Guatemala
K Vanthuyne
Revue québécoise de droit international, 289-305, 2015
Souffrance sociale en paroles
K Vanthuyne
L. Blais (éd.), Vivre à la marge. Réflexions autour de la souffrance sociale …, 2008
La décolonisation de l’enseignement universitaire à l’épreuve du colonialisme d’occupation
K Vanthuyne, C Dussault
Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 67-91, 2022
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