Sabine Liebenehm
Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous estimation of risk and time preferences among small‐scale cattle farmers in West Africa
S Liebenehm, H Waibel
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (5), 1420-1438, 2014
Temporal stability of risk attitudes and the impact of adverse shocks—a panel data analysis from Thailand and Vietnam
S Liebenehm
World Development 102, 262-274, 2018
Left home high and dry-reduced migration in response to repeated droughts in Thailand and Vietnam
EJ Quiñones, S Liebenehm, R Sharma
Population and Environment 42 (4), 579-621, 2021
Collective livestock research for sustainable disease management in Mali and Burkina Faso
S Liebenehm, H Affognon, H Waibel
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9 (1), 212-221, 2011
Impact assessment of livestock research and development in West Africa: A propensity score matching approach
S Liebenehm, H Affognon, H Waibel
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (892-2016-65198), 253-266, 2011
Rainfall Shocks and Risk Aversion: Evidence from Southeast Asia
S Liebenehm, I Schumacher, E Strobl
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2023
Returns to livestock disease control–a panel data analysis in Togo
AE Weyori, S Liebenehm, H Waibel
European Review of Agricultural Economics 47 (2), 654-683, 2020
Optimal drug control under risk of drug resistance–The case of African animal trypanosomosis
S Liebenehm, B Bett, C Verdugo, M Said
Journal of Agricultural Economics 67 (2), 510-533, 2016
Extreme weather and agricultural management decisions among smallholder farmers in rural Thailand and Vietnam
S Liebenehm, H Jaretzky, H Waibel
Agricultural Economics, 30, 2023
Rainfall shocks, livelihood diversification and welfare: Evidence from rural Togo
A Weyori, S Liebenehm
Journal of African Economies, 2023
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Articles 1–10