Calkin Suero Montero
Cited by
Cited by
Investigating students' attitude towards learning mathematics
YM Mazana, C Suero Montero, CR Olifage
Modestum Limited, 2019
Are they different? Affect, feeling, emotion, sentiment, and opinion detection in text
M Munezero, CS Montero, E Sutinen, J Pajunen
IEEE transactions on affective computing 5 (2), 101-111, 2014
Serious storytelling–a first definition and review
A Lugmayr, E Sutinen, J Suhonen, CI Sedano, H Hlavacs, CS Montero
Multimedia tools and applications 76, 15707-15733, 2017
Would you do that? Understanding social acceptance of gestural interfaces
CS Montero, J Alexander, MT Marshall, S Subramanian
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Human computer …, 2010
Exploiting sentiment analysis to track emotions in students' learning diaries
M Munezero, CS Montero, M Mozgovoy, E Sutinen
Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing …, 2013
Assessing students’ performance in mathematics in Tanzania: the teacher’s perspective
MY Mazana, CS Montero, RO Casmir
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 15 (3), em0589, 2020
Exploring the socio-cultural challenges of food processing women entrepreneurs in Iringa, Tanzania and strategies used to tackle them
AF Kapinga, CS Montero
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 7 (1), 17, 2017
Emotion analysis meets learning analytics: online learner profiling beyond numerical data
C Suero Montero, J Suhonen
Proceedings of the 14th Koli calling international conference on computing …, 2014
Mobile marketing application for entrepreneurship development: Codesign with women entrepreneurs in Iringa, Tanzania
AF Kapinga, C Suero Montero, ER Mbise
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 85 (2 …, 2019
An empirically informed taxonomy for the Maker Movement
C Voigt, CS Montero, M Menichinelli
Internet Science: Third International Conference, INSCI 2016, Florence …, 2016
Investigating the role of emotion-based features in author gender classification of text
C Suero Montero, M Munezero, T Kakkonen
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 15th …, 2014
Exploring the contribution of business and technology incubators to women entrepreneurs’ business development in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
AF Kapinga, C Suero Montero, GI Mwandosya, ER Mbise
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 8, 1-14, 2018
Emotwitter–a fine-grained visualization system for identifying enduring sentiments in tweets
M Munezero, CS Montero, M Mozgovoy, E Sutinen
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 16th …, 2015
Automatic detection of antisocial behaviour in texts
M Munezero, CS Montero, T Kakkonen, E Sutinen, M Mozgovoy, V Klyuev
Informatica 38 (1), 2014
Towards a mobile education tool for higher education teachers: A user requirements definition
GI Mwandosya, CS Montero
2017 IEEE AFRICON, 881-887, 2017
Using machine learning for sentiment and social influence analysis in text
EA Kolog, CS Montero, T Toivonen
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology …, 2018
Innovative maker movement platform for K-12 education as a smart learning environment
T Toivonen, I Jormanainen, CS Montero, A Alessandrini
Challenges and Solutions in Smart Learning: Proceeding of 2018 International …, 2018
Information and communication technology in Mathematics education–Integration readiness in Tanzania Higher Education Institutions
MY Mazana, CS Montero, SS Oyelere
International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing …, 2019
Collaborating around digital tabletops: children's physical strategies from India, the UK and Finland
I Jamil, CS Montero, M Perry, K O’Hara, A Karnik, K Pihlainen, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 24 (3), 1-30, 2017
Young people's engagement with their school grounds expressed through colour, symbol and lexical associations: a Finnish–British comparative study
P Dillon, P Vesala, C Suero Montero
Children's Geographies 13 (5), 518-536, 2015
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Articles 1–20