Afshin Jamshidi
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Cited by
Machine-learning-based patient-specific prediction models for knee osteoarthritis
A Jamshidi, JP Pelletier, JM Pelletier
Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2019
A comprehensive fuzzy risk-based maintenance framework for prioritization of medical devices
A Jamshidi, S Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, D Ait-kadi, A Ruiz
Applied Soft Computing 32, 322–334, 2015
Medical devices Inspection and Maintenance; A Literature Review
A Jamshidi, SA Rahimi, D Ait-kadi, AR Bartolome
Using Fuzzy Cost‐Based FMEA, GRA and Profitability Theory for Minimizing Failures at a Healthcare Diagnosis Service
S Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, A Jamshidi, D Ait‐Kadi, A Ruiz
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 31 (4), 601-615, 2013
A new dynamic integrated framework for surgical patients' prioritization considering risks and uncertainties
SA Rahimi, A Jamshidi, A Ruiz, D Aït-Kadi
Decision Support Systems 88, 112-120, 2016
A review of priority criteria and decision-making methods applied in selection of sustainable city logistics initiatives and collaboration partners
A Jamshidi, F Jamshidi, D Ait-Kadi, A Ramudhin
International Journal of Production Research 57 (15-16), 5175-5193, 2019
Dynamic risk assessment of complex systems using FCM
A Jamshidi, D Ait-kadi, A Ruiz, ML Rebaiaia
International Journal of Production Research, 1-19, 2017
Identification of the most important features of knee osteoarthritis structural progressors using machine learning methods
A Jamshidi, M Leclercq, A Labbe, JP Pelletier, F Abram, A Droit, ...
Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease 12, 1759720X20933468, 2020
Machine learning–based individualized survival prediction model for total knee replacement in osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative
A Jamshidi, JP Pelletier, A Labbe, F Abram, J Martel‐Pelletier, A Droit
Arthritis care & research 73 (10), 1518-1527, 2021
A warning machine learning algorithm for early knee osteoarthritis structural progressor patient screening
H Bonakdari, A Jamshidi, JP Pelletier, F Abram, G Tardif, ...
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease 13, 1759720X21993254, 2021
An improvement to determining expert weights in group multiple attribute decision making problem
S Abootalebi, A Hadi-Vencheh, A Jamshidi
Group Decision and Negotiation 27, 215-221, 2018
Developing a new ELECTRE method with interval data in multiple attribute decision making problems
M Amiri, NE Nosratian, A Jamshidi, A Kazemi
Journal of applied sciences 8 (22), 4017-4028, 2008
Prioritization of Organ Transplant Patients using Analytic Network Process
SA Rahimi, A Jamshidi
transplantation 1, 22, 2014
Applied Methods in Prioritization of Patients in Surgery Waiting Lists
SA Rahimi, A Jamshidi, D Ait-kadi, AR Bartolome
Periodic replacement strategies: optimality conditions and numerical performance comparisons
ML Rebaiaia, D Aït-Kadi, A Jamshidi
International Journal of Production Research 55 (23), 7135-7152, 2017
Application of FCM for advanced risk assessment of complex and dynamic systems
A Jamshidi
8th IFAC conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, 2016
Multi-criteria decision making approaches to prioritize surgical patients
SA Rahimi, A Jamshidi, A Ruiz, D Ait-Kadi
Health Care Systems Engineering for Scientists and Practitioners: HCSE, Lyon …, 2016
Applied risk analysis approaches for maintenance of offshore wind turbines; a literature review
A Jamshidi, F Jamshidi, D Ait-Kadi, A Ramudhin
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 1075-1078, 2019
Dynamic risk modeling and assessing in maintenance outsourcing with FCM
A Jamshidi, SA Rahimi, D Ait-kadi, A Ruiz
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2015
A new decision support tool for dynamic risks analysis in collaborative networks
A Jamshidi, S Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, D Ait-Kadi, A Ruiz
Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks: 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2015
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Articles 1–20