A. Arwin Amiruddin
A. Arwin Amiruddin
Doctor of Engineering, Hasanuddin University
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Cited by
Compressive strength and hydration process of self compacting concrete (SCC) mixed with sea water, marine sand and Portland composite cement
MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, SA Adisasmita, A Amiruddin, H Hartini
Advanced Materials Research 935, 242-246, 2014
Effect of limestone and buton granular asphalt (BGA) on density of asphalt concrete wearing course (AC-WC) mixture
M Tumpu, MW Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin, AA Amiruddin, L One
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012029, 2020
Studi Penggunaan Serat Ijuk Sebagai Bahan Tambah pada Aspal Porous Liquid Asbuton
N Ali, AA Amiruddin, AF Aboe
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2013
Finite element analysis on the behavior of slab-column connections using PVA-ECC material
A Tambusay, P Suprobo, F Faimun, A Amiruddin
Jurnal Teknologi 79 (5), 2017
Characteristics of geopolymer using rice straw ash, fly ash and laterite soil as eco-friendly materials
PR Rangan, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, B Bakri
GEOMATE Journal 19 (73), 77-81, 2020
Flexural behavior of normal and lightweight concrete composite beams
S Syahrul, MW Tjaronge, R Djamaluddin, AA Amiruddin
Civil Engineering Journal 7 (3), 549-559, 2021
Kajian Eksperimental Campuran HRS-WC dengan Aspal Minyak dan Penambahan Aditif Lateks sebagai Bahan Pengikat
AA Amiruddin, SAA Sasmita, N Ali, I Renta
KoNTekS 6, 133-140, 2012
Strength performance of sodium hydroxide-activated fly ash, rice straw ash, and laterite soil geopolymer mortar
PR Rangan, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, B Bakri
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (1), 012123, 2020
Influence of Prefabricated Foam Concrete as Infill Wall on the Strength due to Cyclic Loading
AA Amiruddin, H Parung, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, M Tumpu
Geomate Journal 22 (93), 114-121, 2022
Reinforced concrete mixture using abaca fiber
R Tampi, H Parung, R Djamaluddin, AA Amiruddin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012060, 2020
Finite element modellingofa reinforced concrete slab-column connection under cyclic lateral load
A Tambusay, P Suprobo, A Faimun, AA Amiruddin
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (9), 1987-1993, 2017
Crack Pattern of Lightweight Concrete under Compression and Tensile Test.
H Parung, M Tumpu, MW Tjaronge, AA Amiruddin, MA Walenna
Annales de Chimie Science des Materiaux 47 (1), 2023
The occurrence of Xylosandrus compactus and its associated fungi on cacao from South Sulawesi, Indonesia: A preliminary study of an emerging threat to the …
A Asman, A Rosmana, MH Purung, A Amiruddin, N Amin, S Sjam, ...
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 128, 303-309, 2021
The Effects of Reduced Beam Section on Castellated Beam
NH Aswad, H Parung, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin
MATEC Web of Conferences 138, 02018, 2017
Metode Retrofit dengan Wire Mesh dan SCC untuk Peningkatan Kekuatan Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang
AA Amiruddin
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makasar, 2014
Performance of prefabricated foam concrete as infilled wall under cyclic lateral loading
M Mansyur, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty, A Arwin Amiruddin
International Journal of Engineering 35 (2), 337-343, 2022
Effect of rootstock and scion on resistance of cocoa clones to vascular streak dieback caused by Ceratobasidium theobromae
A Asman, MH bin Purung, S Lambert, A Amiruddin, A Rosmana
Annals of Agricultural Sciences 66 (1), 25-30, 2021
Mechanical properties of concrete using plastic waste
R Irmawaty, H Parung, R Djamaluddin, AA Amiruddin, MP Faturrahman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 875 (1), 012019, 2020
Elasticity modulus concrete of abaca fiber
R Tampi, H Parung, R Djamaluddin, A Amiruddin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (1), 012146, 2020
Sosialisasi Aplikasi Teknologi Building Information Modelling (BIM) pada Sektor Konstruksi Indonesia
H Parung, MW Tjaronge, R Djamaluddin, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, ...
Jurnal Tepat: Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (2), 112-119, 2019
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Articles 1–20