Brian Duffy
Brian Duffy
Independent Researcher
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On histograms and isosurface statistics
C Hamish, B Duffy, B Denby
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (5), 1259-1266, 2006
Revisiting histograms and isosurface statistics
CE Scheidegger, JM Schreiner, B Duffy, H Carr, CT Silva
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (6), 1659-1666, 2008
Glyph-based video visualization for semen analysis
B Duffy, J Thiyagalingam, S Walton, DJ Smith, A Trefethen, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 21 (8), 980-993, 2013
Visual Multiplexing
M Chen, S Walton, K Berger, J Thiyagalingam, B Duffy, H Fang, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (3), 241-250, 2014
Integrating Isosurface Statistics and Histograms
B Duffy, H Carr, T Moller
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 19 (2), 263-277, 2013
A Cloud-Enabled and Fire Emergency Evacuation Application
H Moner Poy, B Duffy
Cloud Computing Magazine 1 (4), 40-49, 2014
Randomized national land management strategies for net-zero emissions
C Duffy, R Prudhomme, B Duffy, J Gibbons, PPM Iannetta, C O’Donoghue, ...
Nature Sustainability 5 (11), 973-980, 2022
Three-dimensional fiber segment orientation distribution using X-ray microtomography
M Tausif, B Duffy, S Grishanov, H Carr, SJ Russell
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 (4), 1294-1303, 2014
GOBLIN version 1.0: a land balance model to identify national agriculture and land use pathways to climate neutrality via backcasting
C Duffy, R Prudhomme, B Duffy, J Gibbons, C O'Donoghue, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 15 (5), 2239-2264, 2022
Visualizing cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imagery: challenges and opportunities
S Walton, K Berger, J Thiyagalingam, B Duffy, H Fang, C Holloway, ...
Progress in biophysics and molecular biology 115 (2-3), 349-358, 2014
Building evacuation support tool
HM Poy, B Duffy, PJ Harris, M Boubekeur, S Fedor
US Patent App. 16/489,267, 2020
Extraction of policies from static permissions and access events for physical access control
B Florentino, T Hadzic, PJ Harris, M Boubekeur, S Basagiannis, KJ Power, ...
US Patent 10,430,594, 2019
Repeated measures design in crowdsourcing-based experiments for visualization
A Abdul-Rahman, KJ Proctor, B Duffy, M Chen
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel …, 2014
Complexity Plots
J Thiyagalingam, S Walton, B Duffy, A Trefethen, M Chen
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (3), 111-120, 2013
Interval Based Data Structure Optimization.
B Duffy, HA Carr
TPCG, 151-158, 2010
Measuring Visual Complexity of Cluster-Based Visualizations
B Duffy, A Dasgupta, R Kosara, S Walton, M Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.5824, 2013
Efficient Clustering for Interval Trees
B Duffy, H Carr, A Quigley
cс Author (s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License.
C Duffy, R Prudhomme, B Duffy, J Gibbons, C O’Donoghue, M Ryan, ...
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Articles 1–18