Yang LIU
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Cited by
Insights into salt tolerance from the genome of Thellungiella salsuginea
HJ Wu, Z Zhang, JY Wang, DH Oh, M Dassanayake, B Liu, Q Huang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109 (30), 12219-12224, 2012
A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology
LR Rivkin, JS Santangelo, M Alberti, MFJ Aronson, CW de Keyzer, ...
Evolutionary Applications 12 (3), 384-398, 2019
Expression patterns of ABA and GA metabolism genes and hormone levels during rice seed development and imbibition: A comparison of dormant and non-dormant rice cultivars
Y Liu, J Fang, F Xu, J Chu, C Yan, MR Schläppi, Y Wang, C Chu
Journal of Genetics and Genomics 41 (6), 327-338, 2014
ZEBRA2, encoding a carotenoid isomerase, is involved in photoprotection in rice
C Chai, J Fang, Y Liu, H Tong, Y Gong, Y Wang, M Liu, Y Wang, Q Qian, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 75 (3), 211-221, 2011
Genetic transformation of lipid transfer protein encoding gene in Phalaenopsis amabilis to enhance cold resistance
X Qin, Y Liu, S Mao, T Li, H Wu, C Chu, Y Wang
Euphytica: International Journal of Plant Breeding 177 (1), 33-43, 2011
Advances in seed biology
JC Jimenez-Lopez (ed)
IntechOpen, 2017
Changes in hormone flux and signaling in white spruce (Picea glauca) seeds during the transition from dormancy to germination in response to temperature cues
Y Liu, K Müller, YA El-Kassaby, AR Kermode
BMC Plant Biology 15 (1), 292, 2015
Timing of seed germination correlated with temperature-based environmental conditions during seed development in conifers
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
Seed Science Research 25 (1), 29-45, 2015
Phenotypic plasticity of natural Populus trichocarpa populations in response to temporally environmental change in a common garden
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 231, 2019
Evapotranspiration and favorable growing degree-days are key to tree height growth and ecosystem functioning: Meta-analyses of Pacific Northwest historical data
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8228, 2018
Landscape of fluid sets of hairpin-derived 21-/24-nt-long small RNAs at seed set uncovers special epigenetic features in Picea glauca
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
Genome Biology and Evolution 9 (1), 82-92, 2017
Multiple-trait analyses improved the accuracy of genomic prediction and the power of genome-wide association of productivity and climate change-adaptive traits in lodgepole pine
EP Cappa, C Chen, JG Klutsch, J Sebastian-Azcona, B Ratcliffe, X Wei, ...
BMC Genomics 23 (1), 1-20, 2022
Impact of temperature shifts on the joint evolution of seed dormancy and size
Y Liu, S Barot, YA El‐Kassaby, N Loeuille
Ecology and Evolution 7 (1), 26-37, 2017
Contributions of dynamic environmental signals during life-cycle transitions to early life-history traits in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.)
Y Liu, T Wang, YA El-Kassaby
Biogeosciences 13 (10), 2945, 2016
Plant epigenetics and epigenomics
C Spillane, PC McKeown (eds)
Springer Protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020
Global analysis of small RNA dynamics during seed development of Picea glauca and Arabidopsis thaliana populations reveals insights on their evolutionary trajectories
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1719, 2017
The role of moist-chilling and thermo-priming on the germination characteristics of white spruce (Picea glauca) seed
Y Liu, A Kermode, YA El-Kassaby
Seed Science and Technology 41 (3), 321-335, 2013
Integrating genomic information and productivity and climate-adaptability traits into a regional white spruce breeding program
EP Cappa, JG Klutsch, J Sebastian-Azcona, B Ratcliffe, X Wei, L Da Ros, ...
PLoS ONE 17 (3), e0264549, 2022
Regulatory crosstalk between microRNAs and hormone signalling cascades controls the variation on seed dormancy phenotype at Arabidopsis thaliana seed set
Y Liu, YA El-Kassaby
Plant Cell Reports 36 (5), 705-717, 2017
Improving lodgepole pine genomic evaluation using spatial correlation structure and SNP selection with single-step GBLUP
EP Cappa, B Ratcliffe, C Chen, BR Thomas, Y Liu, J Klutsch, X Wei, ...
Heredity 128 (4), 209-224, 2022
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Articles 1–20