Genevieve Montemurro or Genevieve Selfridge
Genevieve Montemurro or Genevieve Selfridge
School of Public Health, University of Alberta
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Cited by
Essential conditions for the implementation of comprehensive school health to achieve changes in school culture and improvements in health behaviours of students
KE Storey, G Montemurro, J Flynn, M Schwartz, E Wright, J Osler, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-11, 2016
Preparing school health facilitators: building competence and confidence for a new role
KE Storey, G Montemurro, M Schwartz, A Farmer, P Veugelers
Revue phénEPS/PHEnex Journal 7 (2), 2015
A longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of the relationship between reasons for choosing a neighbourhood, physical activity and body mass index
TR Berry, JC Spence, CM Blanchard, N Cutumisu, J Edwards, G Selfridge
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 7, 1-11, 2010
Implementing comprehensive school health in Alberta, Canada: the principal's role
E Roberts, N McLeod, G Montemurro, PJ Veugelers, D Gleddie, KE Storey
Health Promotion International 31 (4), 915-924, 2016
“Walkable by willpower”: Resident perceptions of neighbourhood environments
GR Montemurro, TR Berry, JC Spence, C Nykiforuk, C Blanchard, ...
Health & place 17 (4), 895-901, 2011
Effectiveness of school-based health promotion interventions prioritized by stakeholders from health and education sectors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Dabravolskaj, G Montemurro, JP Ekwaru, XY Wu, K Storey, S Campbell, ...
Preventive medicine reports 19, 101138, 2020
Translation of school-learned health behaviours into the home: student insights through photovoice
C McKernan, G Montemurro, H Chahal, PJ Veugelers, D Gleddie, ...
Canadian Journal of Public Health 110, 821-830, 2019
A Canadian-wide perspective on the essential conditions for taking a comprehensive school health approach
KC Neely, GR Montemurro, KE Storey
BMC Public Health 20, 1-14, 2020
Exploring the process of capacity-building among community-based health promotion workers in Alberta, Canada
GR Montemurro, KD Raine, CIJ Nykiforuk, M Mayan
Health promotion international 29 (3), 463-473, 2014
Adherence to dietary recommendations supports Canadian children’s academic achievement
EL Faught, G Montemurro, KE Storey, PJ Veugelers
Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 78 (3), 102-108, 2017
A social network analysis of interactions about physical activity and nutrition among APPLE schools staff
KE Storey, JA Stearns, N McLeod, G Montemurro
SSM-Population Health 14, 100763, 2021
Measuring the progress of capacity building in the Alberta Policy Coalition for Cancer Prevention
KD Raine, C Sosa Hernandez, CIJ Nykiforuk, S Reed, G Montemurro, ...
Health Promotion Practice 15 (4), 496-505, 2014
Prioritizing well-being in K-12 education: lessons from a multiple case study of Canadian school districts
G Montemurro, S Cherkowski, L Sulz, D Loland, E Saville, KE Storey
Health Promotion International 38 (2), daad003, 2023
“Sleep is healthy for your body and brain.” Use of student-centered photovoice to explore the translation of sleep promotion at school to sleep behavior at home
M Bird, C McKernan, G Montemurro, C Brown, J Flynn, KC Neely, ...
Sleep Health 7 (5), 588-595, 2021
Canadian after-school care providers’ perceived role promoting healthy lifestyles: A focused ethnography
PH Elias, G Montemurro, L Sulz, B Torrance, KE Storey
BMC public health 20 (1), 1279, 2020
The essential conditions needed to implement the Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program: a focused ethnography
F Sobierajski, L Lévesque, J McGavock, T Beardy, G Montemurro, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 213, 2022
“Your Kid Has Potential, But They Need Sleep”: Teacher Perspectives on School‐Based Sleep Promotion in Alberta, Canada
P Mellon, G Montemurro, L Sulz, B Torrance, K Storey
Journal of School Health 94 (4), 357-365, 2024
It takes a community: exploring APPLE Schools’ impact within and beyond school walls in Canada
D Klassen, C Champion, G Montemurro, J Flynn, K Raine, K Storey
Health Promotion International 38 (3), daac050, 2023
Peer Reviewed: Parental Perspectives of Sleep in the Home: Shaping Home–School Partnerships in School-Based Sleep Promotion Initiatives
M Bird, KC Neely, G Montemurro, P Mellon, M MacNeil, C Brown, L Sulz, ...
Preventing Chronic Disease 20, 2023
A longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of the relationship between reasons for choosing a neighborhood, physical activity and body mass index.
TR Berry, JC Spence, CM Blanchard, N Cutumisu, J Edwards, G Selfridge
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Articles 1–20