Brett G. Dickson
Brett G. Dickson
CEO and Chief Scientist, Conservation Science Partners; Professor Emeritus, NAU
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Using circuit theory to model connectivity in ecology, evolution, and conservation
BH McRae, BG Dickson, TH Keitt, VB Shah
Ecology 89 (10), 2712-2724, 2008
Influence of vegetation, topography, and roads on cougar movement in southern California
BG Dickson, JS Jenness, P Beier
Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (1), 264-276, 2005
Circuit‐theory applications to connectivity science and conservation
BG Dickson, CM Albano, R Anantharaman, P Beier, ME Gray, ...
Conservation Biology 33 (2), 239-249, 2019
Home-range and habitat selection by adult cougars in southern California
BG Dickson, P Beier
The Journal of Wildlife Management 66 (4), 1235-1245, 2002
Evaluating multispecies landscape connectivity in a threatened tropical mammal community
JF Brodie, AJ Giordano, BG Dickson, M Hebblewhite, H Bernard, ...
Conservation Biology 29 (1), 122-132, 2015
Mapping the probability of large fire occurrence in northern Arizona, USA
BG Dickson, JW Prather, Y Xu, HM Hampton, EN Aumack, TD Sisk
Landscape Ecology 21, 747-761, 2006
Species detection vs. habitat suitability: are we biasing habitat suitability models with remotely sensed data?
BA Bradley, AD Olsson, O Wang, BG Dickson, L Pelech, SE Sesnie, ...
Ecological Modelling 244, 57-64, 2012
Prescribed fire effects on bark beetle activity and tree mortality in southwestern ponderosa pine forests
CR Breece, TE Kolb, BG Dickson, JD McMillin, KM Clancy
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (1), 119-128, 2008
Models of regional habitat quality and connectivity for pumas (Puma concolor) in the southwestern United States
BG Dickson, GW Roemer, BH McRae, JM Rundall
PloS ONE 8 (12), e81898, 2013
Quantifying the influence of topographic position on cougar (Puma concolor) movement in southern California, USA
BG Dickson, P Beier
Journal of Zoology 271 (3), 270-277, 2007
Fifty years of cave arthropod sampling: techniques and best practices
JJ Wynne, FG Howarth, S Sommer
Informing strategic efforts to expand and connect protected areas using a model of ecological flow, with application to the western United States.
BG Dickson, CM Albano, BH McRae, JJ Anderson, DM Theobald, ...
Conservation Letters 10 (5), 564–571, 2017
Circuitscape in Julia: empowering dynamic approaches to connectivity assessment
KR Hall, R Anantharaman, VA Landau, M Clark, BG Dickson, A Jones, ...
Land 10 (3), 301, 2021
Gene tweaking for conservation
MA Thomas, GW Roemer, CJ Donlan, BG Dickson, M Matocq, J Malaney
Nature 501 (7468), 485, 2013
A comparison of Landsat TM and MODIS vegetation indices for estimating forage phenology in desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) habitat in the …
SE Sesnie, BG Dickson, SS Rosenstock, JM Rundall
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (1), 276-286, 2012
Analyzing designed experiments in distance sampling
ST Buckland, RE Russel, VA Saab, BG Dickson, DN Gorman, WM Block
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 14 (4 …, 2009
Multispecies conservation planning on US federal lands
BR Noon, KS McKelvey, BG Dickson
Models for planning wildlife conservation in large landscapes, 51-83, 2009
Community occupancy responses of small mammals to restoration treatments in ponderosa pine forests, northern Arizona, USA
EL Kalies, BG Dickson, CL Chambers, WW Covington
Ecological Applications 22 (1), 204-217, 2012
The changing landscape of conservation science funding in the United States
VJ Bakker, JK Baum, JF Brodie, AK Salomon, BG Dickson, HK Gibbs, ...
Conservation Letters 3 (6), 435-444, 2010
Quantifying the multi‐scale response of avifauna to prescribed fire experiments in the southwest United States
BG Dickson, BR Noon, CH Flather, S Jentsch, WM Block
Ecological Applications 19 (3), 608-621, 2009
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Articles 1–20