Julie Lee-Yaw
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Cited by
Expanding, shifting and shrinking: The impact of global warming on species’ elevational distributions
BG Freeman, JA Lee‐Yaw, JM Sunday, AL Hargreaves
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (11), 1268-1276, 2018
Broken barriers: Human‐induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals: An examination of the ways in which humans increase genetic exchange …
E Crispo, JS Moore, JA Lee‐Yaw, SM Gray, BC Haller
BioEssays 33 (7), 508-518, 2011
A synthesis of transplant experiments and ecological niche models suggests that range limits are often niche limits
JA Lee‐Yaw, HM Kharouba, M Bontrager, C Mahony, AM Csergő, ...
Ecology letters 19 (6), 710-722, 2016
Species distribution models rarely predict the biology of real populations
J A. Lee‐Yaw, J L. McCune, S Pironon, S N. Sheth
Ecography 2022 (6), e05877, 2022
Phylogeny-based delimitation of species boundaries and contact zones in the trilling chorus frogs (Pseudacris)
EM Lemmon, AR Lemmon, JT Collins, JA Lee-Yaw, DC Cannatella
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 44 (3), 1068-1082, 2007
Eco‐evolutionary dynamics of range expansion
TEX Miller, AL Angert, CD Brown, JA Lee‐Yaw, M Lewis, F Lutscher, ...
Ecology 101 (10), e03139, 2020
An evaluation of alternative explanations for widespread cytonuclear discordance in annual sunflowers (Helianthus)
JA Lee‐Yaw, CJ Grassa, S Joly, RL Andrew, LH Rieseberg
New Phytologist 221 (1), 515-526, 2019
Do landscape processes predict phylogeographic patterns in the wood frog?
JA LEE‐YAW, A Davidson, BH McRae, DM Green
Molecular Ecology 18 (9), 1863-1874, 2009
Postglacial range expansion from northern refugia by the wood frog, Rana sylvatica
JA LEE‐YAW, JT Irwin, DM Green
Molecular Ecology 17 (3), 867-884, 2008
Adaptation across geographic ranges is consistent with strong selection in marginal climates and legacies of range expansion
M Bontrager, T Usui, JA Lee‐Yaw, DN Anstett, HA Branch, AL Hargreaves, ...
Evolution 75 (6), 1316-1333, 2021
Signatures of mitonuclear coevolution in a warbler species complex
S Wang, MJ Ore, EK Mikkelsen, J Lee-Yaw, T DLP, R S, I DE
Nature Communications 12, 4279, 2021
Environmental marginality and geographic range limits: a case study with Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata
JA Lee‐Yaw, M Fracassetti, Y Willi
Ecography 41 (4), 622-634, 2018
Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator
M Roesti, DN Anstett, BG Freeman, JA Lee-Yaw, D Schluter, L Chavarie, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1527, 2020
Individual performance in relation to cytonuclear discordance in a northern contact zone between long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) lineages
JA Lee‐Yaw, CGC Jacobs, DE Irwin
Molecular ecology 23 (18), 4590-4602, 2014
The importance (or lack thereof) of niche divergence to the maintenance of a northern species complex: the case of the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird)
JA Lee‐Yaw, DE Irwin
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (4), 917-930, 2015
Conflicting effects of microhabitats on Long-toed Salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) movement: implications for landscape connectivity
JA Lee-Yaw, TH Sechley, DE Irwin
Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (1), 1-7, 2015
Range shifts and local adaptation: integrating data and theory towards a new understanding of species’ distributions in the Anthropocene
JA Lee-Yaw, RD Zenni, KA Hodgins, BMH Larson, R Cousens, ...
New Phytologist 221 (2), 644-647, 2019
Large geographic range size reflects a patchwork of divergent lineages in the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum)
JA Lee‐Yaw, DE Irwin
Journal of evolutionary biology 25 (11), 2276-2287, 2012
Microsatellite loci from the five‐lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus)
BJ Howes, JA Lee‐Yaw, AV Robertson, JP Bogart, SC Lougheed
Molecular Ecology Notes 4 (2), 237-238, 2004
Reduced habitat suitability and landscape connectivity in a songbird migratory divide
H Justen, JA Lee‐Yaw, KE Delmore
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (10), 2043-2056, 2021
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Articles 1–20