Janne Ruostekoski
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Cited by
Creating vortex rings and three-dimensional skyrmions in Bose-Einstein condensates
J Ruostekoski, JR Anglin
Physical review letters 86 (18), 3934, 2001
Observation of suppression of light scattering induced by dipole-dipole interactions in a cold-atom ensemble
J Pellegrino, R Bourgain, S Jennewein, YRP Sortais, A Browaeys, ...
Physical review letters 113 (13), 133602, 2014
Storing light with subradiant correlations in arrays of atoms
G Facchinetti, SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski
Physical review letters 117 (24), 243601, 2016
Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential as an open quantum system
J Ruostekoski, DF Walls
Physical Review A 58 (1), R50, 1998
Shifts of a resonance line in a dense atomic sample
J Javanainen, J Ruostekoski, Y Li, SM Yoo
Physical review letters 112 (11), 113603, 2014
Quantum field theory of cooperative atom response: Low light intensity
J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen
Physical Review A 55 (1), 513, 1997
Controlled manipulation of light by cooperative response of atoms in an optical lattice
SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (3), 031602, 2012
Particle-like topologies in light
D Sugic, R Droop, E Otte, D Ehrmanntraut, F Nori, J Ruostekoski, C Denz, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6785, 2021
Particle number fractionalization of an atomic Fermi-Dirac gas in an optical lattice
J Ruostekoski, GV Dunne, J Javanainen
Physical review letters 88 (18), 180401, 2002
Off-resonance light scattering from low-temperature Bose and Fermi gases
J Javanainen, J Ruostekoski
Physical Review A 52 (4), 3033, 1995
Coherent scattering of near-resonant light by a dense microscopic cold atomic cloud
S Jennewein, M Besbes, NJ Schilder, SD Jenkins, C Sauvan, ...
Physical review letters 116 (23), 233601, 2016
Energetically stable particlelike skyrmions in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
CM Savage, J Ruostekoski
Physical review letters 91 (1), 010403, 2003
Symbolic calculation in development of algorithms: split-step methods for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation
J Javanainen, J Ruostekoski
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (12), L179, 2006
Transfer and storage of vortex states in light and matter waves
Z Dutton, J Ruostekoski
Physical review letters 93 (19), 193602, 2004
Metamaterial transparency induced by cooperative electromagnetic interactions
SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski
Physical review letters 111 (14), 147401, 2013
Monopole core instability and Alice rings in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
J Ruostekoski, JR Anglin
Physical review letters 91 (19), 190402, 2003
Macroscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates
J Ruostekoski, MJ Collett, R Graham, DF Walls
Physical Review A 57 (1), 511, 1998
Coherent control of nanoscale light localization in metamaterial: creating and positioning isolated subwavelength energy hot spots
TS Kao, SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, NI Zheludev
Physical Review Letters 106 (8), 085501, 2011
Collective resonance fluorescence in small and dense atom clouds: Comparison between theory and experiment
SD Jenkins, J Ruostekoski, J Javanainen, S Jennewein, R Bourgain, ...
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023842, 2016
Quantum dynamics of atomic bright solitons under splitting and recollision, and implications for interferometry
AD Martin, J Ruostekoski
New Journal of physics 14 (4), 043040, 2012
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Articles 1–20