Monica Varsanyi
Monica Varsanyi
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Interrogating “urban citizenship” vis-à-vis undocumented migration
MW Varsanyi
Citizenship studies 10 (2), 229-249, 2006
Taking Local Control: Immigration Policy Activism in US Cities and States
M Varsanyi
Stanford University Press, 2010
Rescaling the “alien,” rescaling personhood: Neoliberalism, immigration, and the state
MW Varsanyi
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98 (4), 877-896, 2008
Immigration policing through the backdoor: City ordinances, the" right to the city," and the exclusion of undocumented day laborers
MW Varsanyi
Urban Geography 29 (1), 29-52, 2008
A multilayered jurisdictional patchwork: Immigration federalism in the United States
MW Varsanyi, PG Lewis, DM Provine, S Decker
Law & Policy 34 (2), 138-158, 2012
The COVID-19 pandemic: Territorial, political and governance dimensions of the crisis
K Dodds, VC Broto, K Detterbeck, M Jones, V Mamadouh, ...
Territory, Politics, Governance 8 (3), 289-298, 2020
Beyond walls and cages: Prisons, borders, and global crisis
A Mountz, A Bonds, B Libal, C Stenken, C Bejarano, JM Lawston, ...
University of Georgia Press, 2012
Policing immigrants: Local law enforcement on the front lines
SHVE Decker, MW Varsanyi, PG Lewis
University of Chicago Press, 2016
Neoliberalism and nativism: Local anti‐immigrant policy activism and an emerging politics of scale
MW Varsanyi
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35 (2), 295-311, 2011
Why do (some) city police departments enforce federal immigration law? Political, demographic, and organizational influences on local choices
PG Lewis, DM Provine, MW Varsanyi, SH Decker
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23 (1), 1-25, 2013
Documenting Undocumented Migrants: The Matrículas Consulares as Neoliberal Local Membership
MW Varsanyi
Geopolitics 12 (2), 299-319, 2007
On the frontier of local law enforcement: Local police and federal immigration law
SH Decker, PG Lewis, DM Provine, MW Varsanyi
Immigration, crime and justice 13, 261-276, 2009
The paradox of contemporary immigrant political mobilization: Organized labor, undocumented migrants, and electoral participation in Los Angeles
MW Varsanyi
Antipode 37 (4), 775-795, 2005
Local limits to migration control: Practices of selective migration policing in a restrictive national policy context
A Leerkes, M Varsanyi, G Engbersen
Police Quarterly 15 (4), 446-475, 2012
Immigration policy activism in US states and cities: interdisciplinary perspectives
MW Varsanyi
Taking local control: Immigration policy activism in US cities and states, 1-27, 2010
The rise and fall (and rise?) of non-citizen voting: Immigration and the shifting scales of citizenship and suffrage in the United States
MW Varsanyi
Space and Polity 9 (2), 113-134, 2005
Scaled down: Perspectives on state and local creation and enforcement of immigration law introduction to the special issue of law & policy
DM Provine, MW Varsanyi
Law & Pol'y 34, 105, 2012
Introduction: Borderline contradictions: Neoliberalism, unauthorised migration, and intensifying immigration policing
MW Varsanyi, J Nevins
Geopolitics 12 (2), 223-227, 2007
Global cities from the ground up: a response to Peter Taylor
MW Varsanyi
Political Geography 19 (1), 33-38, 2000
City ordinances as ‘Immigration policing by proxy’: Local governments and the regulation of undocumented day laborers
M Varsanyi
Taking local control: Immigration policy activism in US cities and states …, 2010
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