Genevieve Mageau
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Cited by
Les passions de l'ame: on obsessive and harmonious passion.
RJ Vallerand, C Blanchard, GA Mageau, R Koestner, C Ratelle, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 85 (4), 756, 2003
The coach–athlete relationship: A motivational model
GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand
Journal of sports science 21 (11), 883-904, 2003
A self-determination theory approach to predicting school achievement over time: The unique role of intrinsic motivation
G Taylor, T Jungert, GA Mageau, K Schattke, H Dedic, S Rosenfield, ...
Contemporary educational psychology 39 (4), 342-358, 2014
On the role of passion in performance
RJ Vallerand, SJ Salvy, GA Mageau, AJ Elliot, PL Denis, FME Grouzet, ...
Journal of personality 75 (3), 505-534, 2007
Passion and performance attainment in sport
RJ Vallerand, GA Mageau, AJ Elliot, A Dumais, MA Demers, F Rousseau
Psychology of sport and exercise 9 (3), 373-392, 2008
On the development of harmonious and obsessive passion: The role of autonomy support, activity specialization, and identification with the activity
GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand, J Charest, SJ Salvy, N Lacaille, T Bouffard, ...
Journal of personality 77 (3), 601-646, 2009
On the hierarchical structure of self-determined motivation: A test of top-down, bottom-up, reciprocal, and horizontal effects
F Guay, GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand
Personality and social psychology bulletin 29 (8), 992-1004, 2003
“Work is my passion”: The different affective, behavioural, and cognitive consequences of harmonious and obsessive passion toward work
J Forest, GA Mageau, C Sarrazin, EM Morin
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2011
Ruminations and flow: Why do people with a more harmonious passion experience higher well-being?
J Carpentier, GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand
Journal of Happiness studies 13, 501-518, 2012
Harmonious passion as an explanation of the relation between signature strengths’ use and well-being at work: Test of an intervention program
J Forest, GA Mageau, L Crevier-Braud, É Bergeron, P Dubreuil, ...
Human relations 65 (9), 1233-1252, 2012
Passion and Gambling: Investigating the Divergent Affective and Cognitive Consequences of Gambling1
GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand, FL Rousseau, CF Ratelle, PJ Provencher
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35 (1), 100-118, 2005
When change-oriented feedback enhances motivation, well-being and performance: A look at autonomy-supportive feedback in sport
J Carpentier, GA Mageau
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (3), 423-435, 2013
Validation of the perceived parental autonomy support scale (P-PASS).
GA Mageau, F Ranger, M Joussemet, R Koestner, E Moreau, J Forest
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2015
When passion leads to problematic outcomes: A look at gambling
CF Ratelle, RJ Vallerand, GA Mageau, FL Rousseau, P Provencher
Journal of gambling studies 20, 105-119, 2004
The moderating effect of passion on the relation between activity engagement and positive affect
GA Mageau, RJ Vallerand
Motivation and emotion 31, 312-321, 2007
Balance across contexts: Importance of balanced need satisfaction across various life domains
M Milyavskaya, I Gingras, GA Mageau, R Koestner, H Gagnon, J Fang, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (8), 1031-1045, 2009
Passion and gambling: On the validation of the Gambling Passion Scale (GPS)
FL Rousseau, RJ Vallerand, CF Ratelle, GA Mageau, PJ Provencher
Journal of Gambling Studies 18, 45-66, 2002
The role of self‐esteem contingencies in the distinction between obsessive and harmonious passion
GA Mageau, J Carpentier, RJ Vallerand
European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (6), 720-729, 2011
The importance of perceived autonomy support for the psychological health and work satisfaction of health professionals: Not only supervisors count, colleagues too!
E Moreau, GA Mageau
Motivation and Emotion 36, 268-286, 2012
Broadening the study of infant security of attachment: Maternal autonomy‐support in the context of infant exploration
N Whipple, A Bernier, GA Mageau
Social Development 20 (1), 17-32, 2011
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Articles 1–20