Amy Hageman
Cited by
Cited by
Do actions speak louder than words? An empirical investigation of corporate environmental reputation
CH Cho, RP Guidry, AM Hageman, DM Patten
Accounting, organizations and society 37 (1), 14-25, 2012
Analyzing the role of social norms in tax compliance behavior
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, CF Kelliher
Journal of business ethics 115, 451-468, 2013
Media richness, user trust, and perceptions of corporate social responsibility: An experimental investigation of visual web site disclosures
CH Cho, JR Phillips, AM Hageman, DM Patten
Accounting, auditing & accountability journal 22 (6), 933-952, 2009
The impact of corruption on firm tax compliance in transition economies: Whom do you trust?
A Alon, AM Hageman
Journal of business ethics 116, 479-494, 2013
The role of client advocacy in the development of tax professionals’ advice
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RC Hatfield
Journal of the American Taxation Association 32 (1), 25-51, 2010
The effects of professional role, decision context, and gender on the ethical decision making of public accounting professionals
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Behavioral Research in Accounting 27 (1), 55-78, 2015
The influence of roles and organizational fit on accounting professionals’ perceptions of their firms’ ethical environment
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Journal of Business Ethics 126, 125-141, 2015
A review of the strengths and weaknesses of archival, behavioral, and qualitative research methods: recognizing the potential benefits of triangulation
AM Hageman
Advances in accounting behavioral research 11, 1-30, 2008
The ethical environment of tax professionals: Partner and non-partner perceptions and experiences
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Journal of Business Ethics 92, 637-654, 2010
An investigation of ethical environments of CPAs: Public accounting versus industry
DD Bobek, DW Dalton, BE Daugherty, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Behavioral Research in Accounting 29 (1), 43-56, 2017
The social norms of tax compliance: Scale development, social desirability, and presentation effects
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, CF Kelliher
Advances in accounting behavioral research, 37-66, 2011
An institutional perspective on corruption in transition economies
A Alon, AM Hageman
Corporate Governance: An International Review 25 (3), 155-166, 2017
Talk the talk or walk the walk? An examination of sustainability accounting implementation
WE Lee, AM Hageman
Journal of Business Ethics 152, 725-739, 2018
The role of political elites in income tax system design and tax fairness
BR Wilkinson, AM Hageman
The British Accounting Review 55 (3), 101172, 2023
An experiential investigation of tax professionals' contentious interactions with clients
DD Bobek, DW Dalton, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 41 (2), 1-29, 2019
The role of confidence in tax return preparation using tax software
AM Hageman
Advances in accounting behavioral research 13, 31-57, 2010
A regional diffusion theory explanation for states’ proposal and adoption of anti-passive investment company laws
AM Hageman, SWG Robb
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 30 (6), 551-569, 2011
A Research Note on the Relationship Between Professional Skepticism and Client Advocacy☆ Note: This chapter was accepted by Guest Editor: Vicky Arnold, Ernst and Young …
DB Schmitt, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 17, 161-182, 2014
Are more choices better? An experimental investigation of the effects of multiple tax incentives
DD Bobek, JC Chen, AM Hageman, Y Tian
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 38 (2), 111-128, 2016
Eye-tracking experiments in social and environmental accounting research
CH Cho, AM Hageman, T Jérôme
Social and environmental accountability journal 37 (3), 155-173, 2017
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Articles 1–20