Mari Murtonen
Mari Murtonen
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Difficulties experienced by education and sociology students in quantitative methods courses
M Murtonen, E Lehtinen
Studies in Higher education 28 (2), 171-185, 2003
“Do I need research skills in working life?”: University students’ motivation and difficulties in quantitative methods courses
M Murtonen, E Olkinuora, P Tynjälä, E Lehtinen
Higher Education 56, 599-612, 2008
The return of behaviourist epistemology: A review of learning outcomes studies
M Murtonen, H Gruber, E Lehtinen
Educational Research Review 22, 114-128, 2017
University students' research orientations: Do negative attitudes exist toward quantitative methods?
M Murtonen
Scandinavian Journal of educational research 49 (3), 263-280, 2005
University students’ understanding of the concepts empirical, theoretical, qualitative and quantitative research
M Murtonen
Teaching in Higher Education 20 (7), 684-698, 2015
The effect of short online pedagogical training on university teachers’ interpretations of teaching–learning situations
H Vilppu, I Södervik, L Postareff, M Murtonen
Instructional science 47 (6), 679-709, 2019
Utilizing mixed methods in teaching environments to reduce statistics anxiety
AJ Onwuegbuzie, NL Leech, M Murtonen, J Tähtinen
International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches 4 (1), 28-39, 2010
Conceptions of research and methodology learning
M Murtonen, E Lehtinen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 49 (3), 217-224, 2005
Motivaatio ja työtä koskevat käsitykset asiantuntijaksi kehittymisessä
M Murtonen
Teoksessa P. Tynjälä, J. Välimaa & M. Murtonen (toim.) Korkeakoulutus …, 2004
Korkeakoulutus, oppiminen ja työelämä: pedagogisia ja yhteiskuntatieteellisiä näkökulmia
P Tynjälä, J Välimaa
PS-kustannus, 2004
Broadening the theory of scientific thinking for higher education
M Murtonen, H Salmento
Redefining scientific thinking for higher education: Higher-order thinking …, 2019
Motivational orientations in work
M Murtonen, E Olkinuora, T Palonen, K Hakkarainen, E Lehtinen
International Journal of Educational Research 47 (4), 213-222, 2008
Redefining scientific thinking for higher education: Higher-order thinking, evidence-based reasoning and research skills
M Murtonen, K Balloo
Springer Nature, 2019
Learning of quantitative research methods: University students' views, motivation and difficulties in learning.
MSS Murtonen
Change in university pedagogical culture–The impact of increased pedagogical training on first teaching experiences
M Murtonen, H Vilppu
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 19 (3 …, 2020
Understanding teacher education students’ research competence through their conceptions of theory
H Salmento, M Murtonen, M Kiley
Frontiers in Education 6, 763803, 2021
Minimizing the Number of Dropouts in University Pedagogy Online Courses.
S Laato, E Lipponen, H Salmento, H Vilppu, M Murtonen
CSEDU (1), 587-596, 2019
Yliopisto-opetuksen tavoitteena korkeatasoinen oppiminen
M Murtonen
Teoksessa Murtonen, Mari (toim.), Opettajana yliopistolla …, 2017
Persistence in studies in relation to learning approaches and first-year grades: A study of university chemistry students in Finland
M Lastusaari, E Laakkonen, M Murtonen
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20 (3), 452-467, 2019
University chemistry students' learning approaches and willingness to change major
M Lastusaari, M Murtonen
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 14 (4), 496-506, 2013
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