Günter K. Stahl
Günter K. Stahl
WU Wien, Institute for International Business
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Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A retrospective of research on multicultural work groups and an agenda for future research.
GK Stahl, M Maznevski
Journal of International Business Studies 52 (1), 4-22, 2021
Relative effectiveness and validity of mood induction procedures: A meta‐analysis
R Westermann, K Spies, G Stahl, FW Hesse
European Journal of social psychology 26 (4), 557-580, 1996
Impact of culture on human resource management practices: A 10‐country comparison
Z Aycan, R Kanungo, M Mendonca, K Yu, J Deller, G Stahl, A Kurshid
Applied psychology 49 (1), 192-221, 2000
Do cultural differences matter in mergers and acquisitions? A tentative model and examination
GK Stahl, A Voigt
Organization science 19 (1), 160-176, 2008
Cultural intelligence: Domain and assessment
DC Thomas, E Elron, G Stahl, BZ Ekelund, EC Ravlin, JL Cerdin, ...
International journal of cross cultural management 8 (2), 123-143, 2008
Six principles of effective global talent management
G Stahl, I Björkman, E Farndale, SS Morris, J Paauwe, P Stiles, J Trevor, ...
Sloan Management Review 53 (2), 25-42, 2012
Toward the boundaryless career: A closer look at the expatriate career concept and the perceived implications of an international assignment
GK Stahl, EL Miller, RL Tung
International Human Resource Management, 485-496, 2017
Cultural differences and capability transfer in cross-border acquisitions: The mediating roles of capability complementarity, absorptive capacity, and social integration
I Björkman, GK Stahl, E Vaara
Journal of international business studies 38 (4), 658-672, 2007
Global leadership
ME Mendenhall, JS Osland, A Bird, GR Oddou, ML Maznevski, ...
New York: Routledge, 2013
Developing responsible global leaders through international service-learning programs: The Ulysses experience
NM Pless, T Maak, GK Stahl
Academy of Management Learning & Education 10 (2), 237-260, 2011
Enhancing the role of human resource management in corporate sustainability and social responsibility: A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM
GK Stahl, CJ Brewster, DG Collings, A Hajro
Human resource management review 30 (3), 100708, 2020
Towards a more balanced treatment of culture in international business studies: The need for positive cross-cultural scholarship
GK Stahl, RL Tung
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 391-414, 2015
Global talent management: How leading multinationals build and sustain their talent pipeline
GK Stahl, I Björkman, E Farndale, SS Morris, J Paauwe, P Stiles, J Trevor, ...
Insead, 2007
The effectiveness of expatriate coping strategies: The moderating role of cultural distance, position level, and time on the international assignment.
GK Stahl, P Caligiuri
Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (4), 603, 2005
The impact of organizational and national cultural differences on social conflict and knowledge transfer in international acquisitions
E Vaara, R Sarala, GK Stahl, I Björkman
Journal of Management Studies 49 (1), 1-27, 2012
A look at the bright side of multicultural team diversity
GK Stahl, K Mäkelä, L Zander, ML Maznevski
Scandinavian Journal of Management 26 (4), 439-447, 2010
Cultural intelligence: A theory-based, short form measure
DC Thomas, Y Liao, Z Aycan, JL Cerdin, AA Pekerti, EC Ravlin, GK Stahl, ...
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 1099-1118, 2015
Antecedents of responsible leader behavior: A research synthesis, conceptual framework, and agenda for future research
GK Stahl, M Sully de Luque
Academy of Management Perspectives 28 (3), 235-254, 2014
Predictors of turnover intentions in learning‐driven and demand‐driven international assignments: The role of repatriation concerns, satisfaction with company support, and …
GK Stahl, CH Chua, P Caligiuri, JL Cerdin, M Taniguchi
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2009
Cross-border transfer of knowledge: Cultural lessons from Project GLOBE
M Javidan, GK Stahl, F Brodbeck, CPM Wilderom
Academy of Management Perspectives 19 (2), 59-76, 2005
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Articles 1–20