Maria Sääksjärvi
Maria Sääksjärvi
Associate Professor of Marketing, BI
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Relationships among brand identity, brand image and brand preference: differences between cyber and extension retail brands over time
M Sääksjärvi, S Samiee
Journal of interactive marketing 25 (3), 169-177, 2011
Consumer adoption of technological innovations
M Saaksjarvi
European Journal of Innovation Management 6 (2), 90-100, 2003
Management practices in solution sales—A multilevel and cross-functional framework
K Storbacka, P Polsa, M Sääksjärvi
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 31 (1), 35-54, 2011
Happiness as a predictor of service quality and commitment for utilitarian and hedonic services
K Hellén, M Sääksjärvi
Psychology & Marketing 28 (9), 934-957, 2011
Development of a scale measuring childlike anthropomorphism in products
K Hellén, M Sääksjärvi
Journal of Marketing Management 29 (1-2), 141-157, 2013
Extending the implicit association test (IAT): assessing consumer attitudes based on multi-dimensional implicit associations
V Gattol, M Sääksjärvi, CC Carbon
PLoS one 6 (1), e15849, 2011
Store brands vs. manufacturer brands: consumer perceptions and buying of chocolate bars in Finland
A Lybeck, M Holmlund-Rytkönen, M Sääksjärvi
Int. Rev. of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 16 (4), 471-492, 2006
Presence and emotion in computer game players during 1st person vs. 3rd person playing view: Evidence from self-report, eye-tracking, and facial muscle activity data
K Kallinen, M Salminen, N Ravaja, R Kedzior, M Sääksjärvi
Proceedings of the PRESENCE 187, 190, 2007
Sometimes a celebrity holding a negative public image is the best product endorser
M Sääksjärvi, K Hellén, B George
European Journal of Marketing 50 (3/4), 2016
Consumer knowledge of functional foods
M Sääksjärvi, M Holmlund, N Tanskanen
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 19 (2 …, 2009
The CURE scale: a multidimensional measure of service recovery strategy
R Mostafa, C R. Lages, M Sääksjärvi
Journal of Services Marketing 28 (4), 300-310, 2014
Young compulsive buyers and the emotional roller‐coaster in shopping
A Saraneva, M Sääksjärvi
Young Consumers 9 (2), 75-89, 2008
Cannibalize and combine? The impact of ambidextrous innovation on organizational outcomes under market competition
N Harmancioglu, M Sääksjärvi, EJ Hultink
Industrial Marketing Management 85, 44-57, 2020
Inspiration and fixation: the influences of example designs and system properties in idea generation
LA Vasconcelos, CC Cardoso, M Sääksjärvi, CC Chen, N Crilly
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (3), 031101, 2017
How designers and marketers can work together to support consumers' happiness
M Sääksjärvi, K Hellén
International journal of design 7 (3), 2013
Assessing multifunctional innovation adoption via an integrative model
M Sääksjärvi, S Samiee
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39, 717-735, 2011
Cultural values and health service quality in China
P Polsa, W Fuxiang, M Sääksjärvi, P Shuyuan
International journal of health care quality assurance 26 (1), 55-73, 2013
Consumer perceived risk in successive product generations
M Sääksjärvi, M Lampinen
European Journal of Innovation Management 8 (2), 145-156, 2005
The development of a scale to measure consumer doubt toward new products
M Sääksjärvi, KPN Morel
European Journal of Innovation Management 13 (3), 272-293, 2010
How exposure to logos and logo varieties fosters brand prominence and freshness
M Sääksjärvi, E van den Hende, R Mugge, van Peursem Nicolien
Journal of Product & Brand Management 24 (7), 736 - 744, 2015
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Articles 1–20