Umair Rehman
Cited by
Cited by
Augmented-reality-based indoor navigation: A comparative analysis of handheld devices versus google glass
U Rehman, S Cao
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (1), 140-151, 2017
The effects of consumer esports videogame engagement on consumption behaviors
AZ Abbasi, M Asif, LD Hollebeek, JU Islam, DH Ting, U Rehman
Journal of Product & Brand Management 30 (8), 1194-1211, 2021
The impact of advertising value of in-game pop-up ads in online gaming on gamers’ inspiration: An empirical investigation
AZ Abbasi, U Rehman, A Hussain, DH Ting, JU Islam
Telematics and Informatics 62, 101630, 2021
Integrating the SOR model to examine purchase intention based on Instagram sponsored advertising
A Hussain, D Hooi Ting, A Zaib Abbasi, U Rehman
Journal of Promotion Management 29 (1), 77-105, 2023
Impact of HEXACO personality factors on consumer video game engagement: a study on eSports
AZ Abbasi, S Nisar, U Rehman, DH Ting
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1831, 2020
Playful-consumption experiences and subjective well-being: Children’s smartphone usage
AZ Abbasi, A Shamim, DH Ting, H Hlavacs, U Rehman
Entertainment Computing 36, 100390, 2021
Nuances of COVID-19 and Psychosocial Work Environment on Nurses’ Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Stress and Eustress in Lieu to JD-R Theory
T Meirun, S Bano, MU Javaid, MZ Arshad, MU Shah, U Rehman, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570236, 2020
Augmented Reality-Based Indoor Navigation Using Google Glass as a Wearable Head-Mounted Display
U Rehman, S Cao
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on …, 2015
Esports as playful consumption experiences: examining the antecedents and consequences of game engagement
AZ Abbasi, N Alqahtani, RH Tsiotsou, U Rehman, DH Ting
Telematics and Informatics 77, 101937, 2023
Using the playful consumption experience model to uncover behavioral intention to play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games
AZ Abbasi, U Rehman, MS Fayyaz, DH Ting, MU Shah, R Fatima
Data Technologies and Applications, 2021
The role of personality factors influencing consumer video game engagement in young adults: A study on generic games
AZ Abbasi, MU Shah, U Rehman, H Hlavacs, DH Ting, S Nisar
IEEE Access 9, 17392-17410, 2021
Predicting Video Game Addiction Through the Dimensions of Consumer Video Game Engagement: Quantitative and Cross-sectional Study
AZ Abbasi, U Rehman, Z Afaq, MA Rafeh, H Hlavacs, MA Mamun, ...
JMIR serious games 9 (4), e30310, 2021
Personality differences between videogame vs. non-videogame consumers using the HEXACO model
AZ Abbasi, DH Ting, H Hlavacs, B Wilson, U Rehman, A Arsalan
Current Psychology, 2020
Using an integrated cognitive architecture to model the effect of environmental complexity on drivers’ situation awareness
U Rehman, S Cao, C MacGregor
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 63 (1 …, 2019
Investigating male gamers’ behavioral intention to play PUBG: Insights from playful-consumption experiences
U Rehman, MU Shah, AZ Abbasi, H Hlavacs, R Iftikhar
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
Customer Inspiration via Advertising Value of Pop-Up Ads in Online Games
AZ Abbasi, A Hussain, H Hlavacs, MU Shah, DH Ting, U Rehman
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 251-259, 2020
Exploring the human factors in moral dilemmas of autonomous vehicles
MU Shah, U Rehman, F Iqbal, H Ilahi
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2022
Serious video games and psychological support: A depression intervention among young cancer patients
S Khan, AZ Abbasi, SF Kazmi, TD Hooi, U Rehman, H Hlavacs, FS Arslan
Entertainment Computing 41, 100479, 2022
Comparative evaluation of augmented reality-based assistance for procedural tasks: a simulated control room study
U Rehman, S Cao
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (11), 1225-1245, 2020
Malay validation of Copenhagen psychosocial work environment questionnaire in context of second generation statistical techniques
ASN Isha, MU Javaid, A Zaib Abbasi, S Bano, M Zahid, MA Memon, ...
BioMed research international 2020 (1), 7680960, 2020
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Articles 1–20