Adam Vaughan
Adam Vaughan
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Cited by
Assessing the relative impact of diverse stressors among public safety personnel
RN Carleton, TO Afifi, T Taillieu, S Turner, JE Mason, R Ricciardelli, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (4), 1234, 2020
Mental health training, attitudes toward support, and screening positive for mental disorders
RD Carleton, R. N., Afifi, T. O., Turner, S., Taillieu, T., Vaughan, A. D ...
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2019
Exploring the role of the environmental context in the spatial distribution of calls-for-service associated with emotionally disturbed persons
AD Vaughan, AN Hewitt, MA Andresen, PL Brantingham
Policing: A journal of policy and practice 10 (2), 121-133, 2016
Stress and memory: A systematic state-of-the-art review with evidence-gathering recommendations for police
PM Di Nota, BE Stoliker, AD Vaughan, JP Andersen, GS Anderson
Policing: An International Journal 44 (1), 1-17, 2020
Building personal resilience in paramedic students
G Anderson, A Vaughan, S Mills
Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being 2 (2), 51-54, 2017
The relationship between age and suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide among prisoners
BE Stoliker, SN Verdun-Jones, AD Vaughan
Health & Justice 8, 1-19, 2020
Concentrations and specialization of mental health–related calls for police service
AD Vaughan, M Ly, MA Andresen, K Wuschke, T Hodgkinson, ...
Victims & Offenders 13 (8), 1153-1170, 2018
The limits of our knowledge: tracking the size and scope of police involvement with persons with mental illness
L Huey, L Ferguson, AD Vaughan
Facets 6 (1), 424-448, 2021
Psychological and sociological perspectives on suicide: A multi-level examination of suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide among prisoners
BE Stoliker, SN Verdun-Jones, AD Vaughan
Archives of suicide research 25 (3), 596-628, 2021
Building personal resilience in primary care paramedic students, and subsequent skill decay
AD Vaughan, BE Stoliker, GS Anderson
Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 17, 1-8, 2020
The importance of gender in the spatial distribution of police interactions involving emotionally disturbed persons: an examination of call types
AD Vaughan, AN Hewitt, MA Andresen, SN Verdun-Jones, ...
Policing and Society 29 (2), 137-154, 2017
The influence of organizational support on the life course of trauma in emergency responders from British Columbia
AD Vaughan, CB Moran, LDR Pearce, L Hearty
Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 31 (3), 125-143, 2016
The cost of mental health-related calls on police service: evidence from British Columbia
AD Vaughan, MA Andresen
Evidence Based Policing: An Introduction, 173-186, 2018
Caught in the currents: evaluating the evidence for common downstream police response interventions in calls involving persons with mental illness
L Huey, J Andersen, C Bennell, M Ann Campbell, J Koziarski, ...
Facets 6 (1), 1409-1445, 2021
Temporal Patterns of Mental Health Act Calls to the Police
A Vaughan, A. D., Ly. M., Andresen, M. A., Wuschke, K. E., Hodgkinson, T ...
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 2018
Policing persons in behavioral crises: An experimental test of bystander perceptions of procedural justice
AM Jones, AD Vaughan, SP Roche, AN Hewitt
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-25, 2021
Variations in Mental Health Act calls to police: an analysis of hourly and intra-week patterns
A Vaughan, KE Wuschke, AN Hewitt, T Hodgkinson, MA Andresen, ...
Policing: An International Journal 41 (1), 58-69, 2018
Building personal resilience following an online resilience training program for BScN students
BE Stoliker, AD Vaughan, J Collins, M Black, GS Anderson
Western Journal of Nursing Research 44 (8), 755-764, 2022
The relationship between outpatient service use and emergency department visits among people treated for mental and substance use disorders: analysis of population-based …
MR Lavergne, JP Loyal, M Shirmaleki, R Kaoser, T Nicholls, CG Schütz, ...
BMC health services research 22 (1), 477, 2022
Emergency department use for mental and substance use disorders: descriptive analysis of population-based, linked administrative data in British Columbia, Canada
MR Lavergne, M Shirmaleki, JP Loyal, W Jones, TL Nicholls, CG Schütz, ...
BMJ open 12 (1), e057072, 2022
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Articles 1–20