Avraham N Kluger
Avraham N Kluger
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The effects of feedback interventions on performance: a historical review, a meta-analysis, and a preliminary feedback intervention theory.
AN Kluger, A DeNisi
Psychological bulletin 119 (2), 254, 1996
Dispositional effects on job and life satisfaction: the role of core evaluations.
TA Judge, EA Locke, CC Durham, AN Kluger
Journal of applied psychology 83 (1), 17, 1998
Feedback effectiveness: Can 360-degree appraisals be improved?
AS DeNisi, AN Kluger
Academy of Management Perspectives 14 (1), 129-139, 2000
Feedback interventions: Toward the understanding of a double-edged sword
AN Kluger, A DeNisi
Current directions in psychological science 7 (3), 67-72, 1998
Feedback sign effect on motivation: Is it moderated by regulatory focus?
D Van‐Dijk, AN Kluger
Applied Psychology 53 (1), 113-135, 2004
Commuting stress: Causes, effects, and methods of coping
M Koslowsky, AN Kluger, M Reich
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Task type as a moderator of positive/negative feedback effects on motivation and performance: A regulatory focus perspective
D Van Dijk, AN Kluger
Journal of Organizational behavior 32 (8), 1084-1105, 2011
A meta-analysis of the association between DRD4 polymorphism and novelty seeking
AN Kluger, Z Siegfried, RP Ebstein
Molecular psychiatry 7 (7), 712-717, 2002
Strength-based performance appraisal and goal setting
O Bouskila-Yam, AN Kluger
Human Resource Management Review 21 (2), 137-147, 2011
The antecedents and consequences of union commitment: A meta-analysis
PA Bamberger, AN Kluger, R Suchard
Academy of Management Journal 42 (3), 304-318, 1999
Sabbatical leave: who gains and how much?
OB Davidson, D Eden, M Westman, Y Cohen-Charash, LB Hammer, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (5), 953, 2010
The feedforward interview
AN Kluger, D Nir
Human Resource Management Review 20 (3), 235-246, 2010
The influence of selection test type on applicant reactions to employment testing
AN Kluger, HR Rothstein
Journal of Business and Psychology 8, 3-25, 1993
Commute variability and strain
AN Kluger
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1998
Feedback, the various tasks of the doctor, and the feedforward alternative
AN Kluger, D Van Dijk
Medical education 44 (12), 1166-1174, 2010
The power of listening at work
AN Kluger, G Itzchakov
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 9 (1 …, 2022
The error of accepting the" theoretical" null hypothesis: The rise, fall, and resurrection of commonsense hypotheses in psychology.
AN Kluger, J Tikochinsky
Psychological bulletin 127 (3), 408, 2001
The influence of feedback on mood: Linear effects on pleasantness and curvilinear effects on arousal
AN Kluger, S Lewinsohn, JR Aiello
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 60 (2), 276-299, 1994
I am aware of my inconsistencies but can tolerate them: The effect of high quality listening on speakers’ attitude ambivalence
G Itzchakov, AN Kluger, DR Castro
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (1), 105-120, 2017
Mere listening effect on creativity and the mediating role of psychological safety.
DR Castro, F Anseel, AN Kluger, KJ Lloyd, Y Turjeman-Levi
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 12 (4), 489, 2018
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Articles 1–20