Evelyn Merrill
Evelyn Merrill
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Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements
MA Tucker, K Böhning-Gaese, WF Fagan, JM Fryxell, B Van Moorter, ...
Science 359 (6374), 466-469, 2018
Resource selection functions based on use‐availability data: theoretical motivation and evaluation methods
CJ Johnson, SE Nielsen, EH Merrill, TL McDONALD, MS Boyce
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (2), 347-357, 2006
Building the bridge between animal movement and population dynamics
JM Morales, PR Moorcroft, J Matthiopoulos, JL Frair, JG Kie, RA Powell, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
A multi‐scale test of the forage maturation hypothesis in a partially migratory ungulate population
M Hebblewhite, E Merrill, G McDermid
Ecological monographs 78 (2), 141-166, 2008
Scale and heterogeneity in habitat selection by elk in Yellowstone National Park
MS Boyce, JS Mao, EH Merrill, D Fortin, MG Turner, J Fryxell, P Turchin
Ecoscience 10 (4), 421-431, 2003
Modelling wildlife–human relationships for social species with mixed‐effects resource selection models
M Hebblewhite, E Merrill
Journal of applied ecology 45 (3), 834-844, 2008
Removing GPS collar bias in habitat selection studies
JL Frair, SE Nielsen, EH Merrill, SR Lele, MS Boyce, RHM Munro, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (2), 201-212, 2004
Trade‐offs between predation risk and forage differ between migrant strategies in a migratory ungulate
M Hebblewhite, EH Merrill
Ecology 90 (12), 3445-3454, 2009
Spatial decomposition of predation risk using resource selection functions: an example in a wolf–elk predator–prey system
M Hebblewhite, EH Merrill, TL McDonald
Oikos 111 (1), 101-111, 2005
Foraging theory upscaled: the behavioural ecology of herbivore movement
N Owen-Smith, JM Fryxell, EH Merrill
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Habitat selection by elk before and after wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park
JS Mao, MS Boyce, DW Smith, FJ Singer, DJ Vales, JM Vore, EH Merrill
The Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (4), 1691-1707, 2005
Scales of movement by elk (Cervus elaphus) in response to heterogeneity in forage resources and predation risk
JL Frair, EH Merrill, DR Visscher, D Fortin, HL Beyer, JM Morales
Landscape ecology 20, 273-287, 2005
Selection, use, choice and occupancy: clarifying concepts in resource selection studies
SR Lele, EH Merrill, J Keim, MS Boyce
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (6), 1183-1191, 2013
Multiscale wolf predation risk for elk: does migration reduce risk?
M Hebblewhite, EH Merrill
Oecologia 152, 377-387, 2007
Foraging costs of vigilance in large mammalian herbivores
D Fortin, MS Boyce, EH Merrill, JM Fryxell
Oikos 107 (1), 172-180, 2004
Factors influencing female home range sizes in elk (Cervus elaphus) in North American landscapes
DP Anderson, JD Forester, MG Turner, JL Frair, EH Merrill, D Fortin, ...
Landscape Ecology 20, 257-271, 2005
How linear features alter predator movement and the functional response
HW McKenzie, EH Merrill, RJ Spiteri, MA Lewis
Interface focus 2 (2), 205-216, 2012
Statistical methods for identifying wolf kill sites using global positioning system locations
NF Webb, M Hebblewhite, EH Merrill
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (3), 798-807, 2008
Twenty years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires: lessons about disturbance and ecosystems
WH Romme, MS Boyce, R Gresswell, EH Merrill, GW Minshall, C Whitlock, ...
Ecosystems 14, 1196-1215, 2011
Willow on Yellowstone's northern range: evidence for a trophic cascade?
HL Beyer, EH Merrill, N Varley, MS Boyce
Ecological Applications 17 (6), 1563-1571, 2007
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Articles 1–20