Ricardo Bautista Quintero
Ricardo Bautista Quintero
University of New Brunswick/Tecnologico de Culiacan
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Two‐Stage Control Design of a Buck Converter/DC Motor System without Velocity Measurements via a Σ − Δ‐Modulator
R Silva-Ortigoza, JR García-Sánchez, JM Alba-Martínez, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 929316, 2013
Implementation of H-infinity control algorithms for sensor-constrained mechatronic systems using low-cost microcontrollers
R Bautista-Quintero, MJ Pont
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 4 (3), 175-184, 2008
Construction of a WMR for trajectory tracking control: Experimental results
R Silva-Ortigoza, C Márquez-Sánchez, M Marcelino-Aranda, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 723645, 2013
Meeting real-time constraints using “Sandwich Delays”
MJ Pont, S Kurian, R Bautista-Quintero
Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming I, 94-102, 2009
Robust PID control for robots manipulators with elastic joints
Alavarez-Ramirez J., CI Bautista R.
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control …, 2001
Comparing the performance and resource requirements of ‘PID’and ‘LQR’algorithms when used in a practical embedded control system: A pilot study
R Bautista, MJ Pont, T Edwards
Proceedings of the Second UK Embedded Forum, 262-289, 2005
Solving the dynamic equations of a 3-PRS Parallel Manipulator for efficient model-based designs
M Díaz-Rodríguez, JA Carretero, R Bautista-Quintero
Mechanical Sciences 7 (1), 9-17, 2016
Is fuzzy logic a practical choice in resourceconstrained embedded control systems implemented using general-purpose microcontrollers?
R Bautista, MJ Pont
Advanced Motion Control, 2006. 9th IEEE International Workshop on, 692, 697, 2006
Implementing adaptive time-triggered co-operative scheduling framework for highly-predictable embedded systems
M Nahas, R Bautista-Quintero
American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 2 (4), 38-50, 2014
Developing scheduler test cases to verify scheduler implementations in time-triggered embedded systems
M Nahas, R Bautista-Quintero
Int. J. Embedded Syst. Appl 6 (1-2), 1-20, 2016
Close-Loop Control Identification of an Inverted Pendulum Based on Parameter Linear Regressor and Generalised Predictive Control+ Integral Compensator
R Bautista-Quintero, R Dubay, JA Carretero, MA Dıaz-Rodrıguez
University of New Brunswick Fredericton, The 14th IFToMM World Congress …, 2015
Applying the Scheduler Test Case Technique to Verify Scheduler Implementations in Multi-Processor Time-Triggered Embedded Systems
M Nahas, R Bautista-Quintero
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 5 (9), 93-104, 2016
Control architecture for biped robots based on contraction analysis
R Bautista-Quintero
University of New Brunswick, 2018
DC motor speed control via a DC to DC buck power converter
JM Alba-Martinez, R Silva-Ortigoza, H Taud, J Alvarez-Cedillo, ...
2012 IEEE Ninth Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference …, 2012
Techniques for the implementation of control algorithms using low-cost embedded systems
R Bautista-Quintero
University of Leicester, 2009
Techniques for the Implementation on Control Algorithms Using Low-cost Embedded Systems
RB Quintero
University of Leicester, 2008
Neuro-Fuzzy Controller Based on Model Predictive Control for a Nonlinear Underactuated Mechanical System
R Bautista-Quintero, R Dubay
2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 1-8, 2020
Cinemática y Dinámica Inversa de un Robot Paralelo 3-PRS Kinematics and Inverse Dynamic Model of a 3-PRS Paralel Robot
M Díaz-Rodríguez, JA Carretero, R Bautista-Quintero, R Chacón
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería. Vol 38 (01), 2017
Cinemática y Dinámica Inversa de un Robot Paralelo 3-PRS
M Díaz-Rodríguez, JA Carretero, R Bautista-Quintero, R Chacón
Ciencia e Ingeniería 38 (1), 89-96, 2017
Kinematics and Inverse Dynamic Model of a 3-PRS Paralel Robot
MA Díaz-Rodríguez, JA Carretero, R Bautista-Quintero, R Chacón
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Articles 1–20