Brian P. O'Connor
Brian P. O'Connor
University of British Columbia, Okanagan
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SPSS and SAS programs for determining the number of components using parallel analysis and Velicer’s MAP test
BP O’Connor
Behavior Research Methods 32 (3), 396-402, 2000
A quantitative review of the comprehensiveness of the five-factor model in relation to popular personality inventories
BP O’Connor
Assessment 9 (2), 188-203, 2002
A search for consensus on the dimensional structure of personality disorders
BP O'Connor
Journal of Clinical Psychology 61 (3), 323-345, 2005
Police officer job satisfaction in relation to mood, well-being, and alcohol consumption
A Kohan, BP O'Connor
The Journal of psychology 136 (3), 307-318, 2002
Motivation in the elderly: A theoretical framework and some promising findings.
RJ Vallerand, BP O'Connor
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne 30 (3), 538, 1989
Personality disorders and the five-factor model: A test of facet-level predictions
JA Dyce, BP O'Connor
Journal of personality disorders 12 (1), 31-45, 1998
SPSS and SAS programs for generalizability theory analyses
C Mushquash, BP O’Connor
Behavior research methods 38 (3), 542-547, 2006
The search for dimensional structure differences between normality and abnormality: A statistical review of published data on personality and psychopathology.
BP O'Connor
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (4), 962, 2002
A test of models of personality disorder configuration.
BP O'Connor, JA Dyce
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 107 (1), 3, 1998
Motivation, self-determination, and person-nvironment fit as predictors of psychological adjustment among nursing home residents.
BP O'Connor, RJ Vallerand
Psychology and Aging 9 (2), 189, 1994
SIMPLE: All-in-one programs for exploring interactions in moderated multiple regression
BP O'Connor
Educational and psychological measurement 58 (5), 836-840, 1998
Religious motivation in the elderly: A French-Canadian replication and an extension
BP O'Connor, RJ Vallerand
The Journal of Social Psychology 130 (1), 53-59, 1990
The interpersonal circumplex as a behavior map.
R Gifford, B O'Connor
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52 (5), 1019, 1987
Psychological adjustment variables as predictors of mortality among nursing home residents.
BP O'Connor, RJ Vallerand
Psychology and aging 13 (3), 368, 1998
Crocodile tears: facial, verbal and body language behaviours associated with genuine and fabricated remorse.
L Ten Brinke, S MacDonald, S Porter, B O'Connor
Law and human behavior 36 (1), 51, 2012
Subtypes of partner violence perpetrators among male and female psychiatric patients.
Z Walsh, MT Swogger, BP O'Connor, Y Chatav Schonbrun, MT Shea, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 119 (3), 563, 2010
Motivation in later life: Theory and assessment
RJ Vallerand, BP O'Connor, M Hamel
The International Journal of Aging and human development 41 (3), 221-238, 1995
Perceptions of baby talk, frequency of receiving baby talk, and self-esteem among community and nursing home residents.
BP O'Connor, H Rigby
Psychology and aging 11 (1), 147, 1996
Using mobile technology to engage children with nature
MR Crawford, MD Holder, BP O’Connor
Environment and Behavior 49 (9), 959-984, 2017
Identity development and perceived parental behavior as sources of adolescent egocentrism
BP O'Connor
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 24 (2), 205-227, 1995
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Articles 1–20