Christian Leuz
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Cited by
Earnings management and investor protection: an international comparison
C Leuz, D Nanda, PD Wysocki
Journal of Financial Economics 69 (3), 505-527, 2003
The Economic Consequences of Increased Disclosure
C Leuz, RE Verrecchia
Journal of Accounting Research 38, 91-124, 2000
Accounting information, disclosure, and the cost of capital
R Lambert, C Leuz, RE Verrecchia
Journal of accounting research 45 (2), 385-420, 2007
Mandatory IFRS reporting around the world: Early evidence on the economic consequences
H Daske, L Hail, C Leuz, R Verdi
Journal of accounting research 46 (5), 1085-1142, 2008
The economics of disclosure and financial reporting regulation: Evidence and suggestions for future research
C Leuz, PD Wysocki
Journal of Accounting Research 54 (2), 525-622, 2016
The importance of reporting incentives: Earnings management in European private and public firms
DC Burgstahler, L Hail, C Leuz
The accounting review 81 (5), 983-1016, 2006
International differences in the cost of equity capital: Do legal institutions and securities regulation matter?
L Hail, C Leuz
Journal of accounting research 44 (3), 485-531, 2006
Mandatory CSR and sustainability reporting: Economic analysis and literature review
HB Christensen, L Hail, C Leuz
Review of accounting studies 26 (3), 1176-1248, 2021
Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency: Evidence from Indonesia
C Leuz, F Oberholzer-Gee
Journal of financial economics 81 (2), 411-439, 2006
Adopting a label: Heterogeneity in the economic consequences around IAS/IFRS adoptions
H Daske, L Hail, C Leuz, R Verdi
Journal of accounting research 51 (3), 495-547, 2013
The crisis of fair-value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate
C Laux, C Leuz
Accounting, organizations and society 34 (6-7), 826-834, 2009
Comment on Infrastructure Requirements for an Economically Efficient System of Public Financial Reporting and Disclosure
C Leuz
Brookings-Wharton Paper on Financial Services, 2001
Mandatory IFRS reporting and changes in enforcement
HB Christensen, L Hail, C Leuz
Journal of accounting and economics 56 (2-3), 147-177, 2013
Do foreigners invest less in poorly governed firms?
C Leuz, KV Lins, FE Warnock
The Review of Financial Studies 22 (8), 3245-3285, 2009
IAS versus US GAAP: information asymmetry–based evidence from Germany's new market
C Leuz
Journal of accounting research 41 (3), 445-472, 2003
Did fair-value accounting contribute to the financial crisis?
C Laux, C Leuz
Journal of economic perspectives 24 (1), 93-118, 2010
Global accounting convergence and the potential adoption of IFRS by the US (Part I): Conceptual underpinnings and economic analysis
L Hail, C Leuz, P Wysocki
Accounting horizons 24 (3), 355-394, 2010
Information asymmetry, information precision, and the cost of capital
RA Lambert, C Leuz, RE Verrecchia
Review of finance 16 (1), 1-29, 2012
Cost of capital effects and changes in growth expectations around US cross-listings
L Hail, C Leuz
Journal of financial economics 93 (3), 428-454, 2009
Economic consequences of SEC disclosure regulation: evidence from the OTC bulletin board
BJ Bushee, C Leuz
Journal of accounting and economics 39 (2), 233-264, 2005
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Articles 1–20