Emily Huddart
Cited by
Cited by
Why we don't" walk the talk": Understanding the environmental values/behaviour gap in Canada
EH Kennedy, TM Beckley, BL McFarlane, S Nadeau
Human ecology review, 151-160, 2009
Rural‐urban differences in environmental concern in Canada
E Huddart‐Kennedy, TM Beckley, BL McFarlane, S Nadeau
Rural sociology 74 (3), 309-329, 2009
Scaling up alternative food networks: Farmers’ markets and the role of clustering in western Canada
MA Beckie, EH Kennedy, H Wittman
Agriculture and Human Values 29, 333-345, 2012
Are we counting what counts? A closer look at environmental concern, pro-environmental behaviour, and carbon footprint
E Huddart Kennedy, H Krahn, NT Krogman
Local Environment 20 (2), 220-236, 2015
Downshifting: An exploration of motivations, quality of life, and environmental practices
EH Kennedy, H Krahn, NT Krogman
Sociological Forum 28 (4), 764-783, 2013
Reinterpreting the gender gap in household pro-environmental behaviour
EH Kennedy, J Kmec
Environmental Sociology 4 (3), 299-310, 2018
Eco-habitus or eco-powerlessness? Examining environmental concern across social class
EH Kennedy, JE Givens
Sociological Perspectives 62 (5), 646-667, 2019
Eating for taste and eating for change: Ethical consumption as a high-status practice
E Huddart Kennedy, S Baumann, J Johnston
Social Forces 98 (1), 381-402, 2019
Relational activism: Re-imagining women's environmental work as cultural change
S O'Shaughnessy, EH Kennedy
Canadian Journal of Sociology 35 (4), 551-572, 2010
Rethinking ecological citizenship: the role of neighbourhood networks in cultural change
EH Kennedy
Environmental Politics 20 (6), 843-860, 2011
The power of social norms for reducing and shifting electricity use
C Horne, EH Kennedy
Energy Policy 107, 43-52, 2017
Food activists, consumer strategies, and the democratic imagination: Insights from eat-local movements
E Huddart Kennedy, JR Parkins, J Johnston
Journal of Consumer Culture 18 (1), 149-168, 2018
Locating gender in environmental sociology
EH Kennedy, L Dzialo
Sociology Compass 9 (10), 920-929, 2015
Egregious emitters: Disproportionality in household carbon footprints
EH Kennedy, H Krahn, NT Krogman
Environment and Behavior 46 (5), 535-555, 2014
Towards a sociology of consumerism
EH Kennedy, N Krogman
International Journal of Sustainable Society 1 (2), 172-189, 2008
Social practice theories and research on sustainable consumption
EH Kennedy, MJ Cohen, NT Krogman
Putting sustainability into practice, 3-22, 2015
Small‐p politics: How pleasurable, convivial and pragmatic political ideals influence engagement in eat‐local initiatives
EH Kennedy, J Johnston, JR Parkins
The British Journal of Sociology 69 (3), 670-690, 2018
Environmental harm and “the good farmer”: Conceptualizing discourses of environmental sustainability in the beef industry
A Kessler, JR Parkins, E Huddart Kennedy
Rural Sociology 81 (2), 172-193, 2016
Public views on forest management: value orientation and forest dependency as indicators of diversity
BL McFarlane, TM Beckley, E Huddart-Kennedy, S Nadeau, S Wyatt
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (4), 740-749, 2011
Organic vs. local: Comparing individualist and collectivist motivations for “ethical” food consumption
S Baumann, A Engman, E Huddart-Kennedy, J Johnston
Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation 4 (1 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20