christine chan
christine chan
Professor of Software Systems Engineering, University of Regina
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Cited by
Recent progress and new developments in post-combustion carbon-capture technology with amine based solvents
ZH Liang, W Rongwong, H Liu, K Fu, H Gao, F Cao, R Zhang, T Sema, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 40, 26-54, 2015
An integrated multi-criteria decision analysis and inexact mixed integer linear programming approach for solid waste management
S Cheng, CW Chan, GH Huang
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (5-6), 543-554, 2003
Discovering rules for water demand prediction: an enhanced rough-set approach
A An, N Shan, C Chan, N Cercone, W Ziarko
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 9 (6), 645-653, 1996
Artificial intelligence for monitoring and supervisory control of process systems
V Uraikul, CW Chan, P Tontiwachwuthikul
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 20 (2), 115-131, 2007
Using multiple criteria decision analysis for supporting decisions of solid waste management
S Cheng, CW Chan, GH Huang
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 37 (6), 975-990, 2002
Multiple neural networks for a long term time series forecast
HH Nguyen, CW Chan
Neural Computing & Applications 13, 90-98, 2004
A doctrine of Cognitive Informatics (CI)
Y Wang, W Kinsner, JA Anderson, D Zhang, Y Yao, P Sheu, J Tsai, ...
Fundamenta Informaticae 90 (3), 203-228, 2009
Cognitive intelligence: Deep learning, thinking, and reasoning by brain-inspired systems
Y Wang, BC Widrow, LA Zadeh, N Howard, S Wood, VC Bhavsar, G Budin, ...
Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2020
Rule-induction and case-based reasoning: Hybrid architectures appear advantageous
N Cercone, A An, C Chan
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 11 (1), 166-174, 1999
Artificial intelligence for management and control of pollution minimization and mitigation processes
CW Chan, GH Huang
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 16 (2), 75-90, 2003
An integrated expert system/operations research approach for the optimization of natural gas pipeline operations
CK Sun, V Uraikul, CW Chan, P Tontiwachwuthikul
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 13 (4), 465-475, 2000
A toolset for construction of hybrid intelligent forecasting systems: application for water demand prediction
N Lertpalangsunti, CW Chan, R Mason, P Tontiwachwuthikul
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 13 (1), 21-42, 1999
Development of an intelligent decision support system for air pollution control at coal-fired power plants
Q Zhou, GH Huang, CW Chan
Expert Systems with Applications 26 (3), 335-356, 2004
Experimental measurement and parametric study of CO2 solubility and molecular diffusivity in heavy crude oil systems
A Kavousi, F Torabi, CW Chan, E Shirif
Fluid Phase Equilibria 371, 57-66, 2014
Applying knowledge discovery to predict water-supply consumption
A An, C Chan, N Shan, N Cercone, W Ziarko
IEEE Expert 12 (4), 72-78, 1997
Analysis of CO2 equilibrium solubility of seven tertiary amine solvents using thermodynamic and ANN models
H Liu, C Chan, P Tontiwachwuthikul, R Idem
Fuel 249, 61-72, 2019
An experimental study of the post-CHOPS cyclic solvent injection process
Z Du, F Zeng, C Chan
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 137 (4), 042901, 2015
Application of the Neural Decision Tree approach for prediction of petroleum production
X Li, CW Chan, HH Nguyen
Journal of Petroleum science and engineering 104, 11-16, 2013
An intelligent decision support system for management of petroleum-contaminated sites
L Geng, Z Chen, CW Chan, GH Huang
Expert systems with applications 20 (3), 251-260, 2001
Development of an expert system for optimizing natural gas pipeline operations
V Uraikul, CW Chan, P Tontiwachwuthikul
Expert Systems with Applications 18 (4), 271-282, 2000
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Articles 1–20