van lantz
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Cited by
Assessing income, population, and technology impacts on CO2 emissions in Canada: where's the EKC?
V Lantz, Q Feng
Ecological Economics 57 (2), 229-238, 2006
The environmental Kuznets curve model for greenhouse gas emissions in Canada
E Olale, TO Ochuodho, V Lantz, J El Armali
Journal of cleaner production 184, 859-868, 2018
The economic impact of the mountain pine beetle infestation in British Columbia: provincial estimates from a CGE analysis
LJ Corbett, P Withey, VA Lantz, TO Ochuodho
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 89 (1), 100-105, 2016
International valuation databases: Overview, methods and operational issues
G McComb, V Lantz, K Nash, R Rittmaster
Ecological Economics 60 (2), 461-472, 2006
Economic impacts of forest pests: a case study of spruce budworm outbreaks and control in New Brunswick, Canada
WY Chang, VA Lantz, CR Hennigar, DA MacLean
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (3), 490-505, 2012
Public attitudes about forest pest outbreaks and control: case studies in two Canadian provinces
WY Chang, VA Lantz, DA MacLean
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (4), 1333-1343, 2009
Regional economic impacts of climate change and adaptation in Canadian forests: a CGE modeling analysis
TO Ochuodho, VA Lantz, P Lloyd-Smith, P Benitez
Forest Policy and Economics 25, 100-112, 2012
Economic impacts of climate change considering individual, additive, and simultaneous changes in forest and agriculture sectors in Canada: A dynamic, multi-regional CGE model …
TO Ochuodho, VA Lantz, E Olale
Forest Policy and Economics 63, 43-51, 2016
Economic impacts of climate change in the forest sector: a comparison of single-region and multiregional CGE modeling frameworks
TO Ochuodho, VA Lantz
Canadian journal of forest research 44 (5), 449-464, 2014
The valuation of wetland conservation in an urban/peri urban watershed
V Lantz, PC Boxall, M Kennedy, J Wilson
Regional Environmental Change 13, 939-953, 2013
A benefit–cost analysis of establishing protected natural areas in New Brunswick, Canada
JJ Wilson, VA Lantz, DA MacLean
Forest Policy and Economics 12 (2), 94-103, 2010
Is there an Environmental Kuznets Curve for clearcutting in Canadian forests?
V Lantz
Journal of Forest Economics 8 (3), 199-212, 2002
Which factors contribute to environmental behaviour of landowners in southwestern Ontario, Canada?
S Nebel, J Brick, VA Lantz, R Trenholm
Environmental management 60 (3), 454-463, 2017
Benefit-cost analysis of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) control: incorporating market and non-market values
WY Chang, VA Lantz, CR Hennigar, DA MacLean
Journal of Environmental Management 93 (1), 104-112, 2012
Cost-benefit analysis of riparian protection in an eastern Canadian watershed
R Trenholm, V Lantz, R Martínez-Espiñeira, S Little
Journal of Environmental Management 116, 81-94, 2013
Measuring scale, technology and price effects on value-added production across Canadian forest industry sectors
V Lantz
Forest Policy and Economics 7 (3), 333-344, 2005
Landowner preferences for wetlands conservation programs in two Southern Ontario watersheds
R Trenholm, W Haider, V Lantz, D Knowler, P Haegeli
Journal of Environmental Management 200, 6-21, 2017
Economic costs and impacts of climate-induced sea-level rise and storm surge in Canadian coastal provinces: a CGE approach
P Withey, VA Lantz, TO Ochuodho
Applied Economics 48 (1), 59-71, 2016
Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis with bird populations as habitat‐specific environmental indicators: Evidence from Canada
Conservation Biology 22 (2), 428-438, 2008
The effect of carbon tax on farm income: evidence from a Canadian province
E Olale, EK Yiridoe, TO Ochuodho, V Lantz
Environmental and Resource Economics 74, 605-623, 2019
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Articles 1–20