Melanie Baljko
Melanie Baljko
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
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Indirect text entry using one or two keys
M Baljko, A Tam
Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2006
Sentence-level movements in Parkinson's disease: Loud, clear, and slow speech
E Kearney, R Giles, B Haworth, P Faloutsos, M Baljko, Y Yunusova
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (12), 3426-3440, 2017
The aesthetics of emergence: Co-constructed interactions
M Baljko, N Tenhaaf
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 15 (3), 1-27, 2008
Using participatory design with proxies with children with limited communication
F Hamidi, M Baljko, I Gómez
Proceedings of the 19th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers …, 2017
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) assistive technology: A communication board case study
F Hamidi, M Baljko, T Kunic, R Feraday
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 14th International Conference …, 2014
Positional targets for lingual consonants defined using electromagnetic articulography
Y Yunusova, JS Rosenthal, K Rudy, M Baljko, J Daskalogiannakis
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (2), 1027-1038, 2012
Participatory design of DIY digital assistive technology in Western Kenya
F Hamidi, P Mbullo, D Onyango, M Hynie, S McGrath, M Baljko
Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction …, 2018
Rafigh: a living media interface for speech intervention
F Hamidi, M Baljko
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
CanSpeak: a customizable speech interface for people with dysarthric speech
F Hamidi, M Baljko, N Livingston, L Spalteholz
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 12th International Conference …, 2010
Sparkles of brilliance: incorporating cultural and social context in codesign of digital artworks
F Hamidi, K Saenz, M Baljko
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children, 77-84, 2014
Huffman base-4 text entry glove (H4 TEG)
B Bajer, IS MacKenzie, M Baljko
2012 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 41-47, 2012
A game system for speech rehabilitation
M Shtern, MB Haworth, Y Yunusova, M Baljko, P Faloutsos
Motion in Games: 5th International Conference, MIG 2012, Rennes, France …, 2012
Game-based augmented visual feedback for enlarging speech movements in Parkinson's disease
Y Yunusova, E Kearney, M Kulkarni, B Haworth, M Baljko, P Faloutsos
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (6S), 1818-1825, 2017
Engaging children using a digital living media system
F Hamidi, M Baljko
Proceedings of the 2017 conference on designing interactive systems, 711-723, 2017
PhoVR: a virtual reality system to treat phobias
MB Haworth, M Baljko, P Faloutsos
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual …, 2012
Treating speech movement hypokinesia in Parkinson's disease: Does movement size matter?
E Kearney, B Haworth, J Scholl, P Faloutsos, M Baljko, Y Yunusova
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61 (11), 2703-2721, 2018
Acquisition of the 3D surface of the palate by in-vivo digitization with Wave
Y Yunusova, M Baljko, G Pintilie, K Rudy, P Faloutsos, ...
Speech Communication 54 (8), 923-931, 2012
" Knowledge Comes Through Participation": Understanding Disability through the Lens of DIY Assistive Technology in Western Kenya
F Hamidi, PM Owuor, M Hynie, M Baljko
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW1), 1-25, 2022
" A Video of Myself Helps Me Learn": A Scoping Review of the Evidence of Video-Making for Situated Learning
I Epstein, M Baljko Dr, K Thumlert, E Kelly, JA Smith, Y Su, J Zaki-Azat, ...
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 14 (1), 9, 2020
TalkBox: a DIY communication board case study
F Hamidi, M Baljko, T Kunic, R Feraday
Journal of Assistive Technologies 9 (4), 187-198, 2015
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Articles 1–20