Abdel-Fattah Zaki Ali
Abdel-Fattah Zaki Ali
Prof. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt
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Cited by
Sedimentary environments and depositional characteristics of the Middle to Upper Eocene whale‐bearing succession in the Fayum Depression, Egypt
ZA ABDEL‐FATTAH, MK Gingras, MW Caldwell, S George Pemberton
Sedimentology 57 (2), 446-476, 2010
The Glossifungites Ichnofacies and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis: A Case Study from Middle to Upper Eocene Successions in Fayum, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, MK Gingras, MW Caldwell, SG Pemberton, ...
Ichnos 23 (3-4), 157-179, 2016
Facies architecture and depositional development of Middle Miocene carbonate strata at Siwa Oasis, Northwestern Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, MA Kora, SN Ayyad
Facies 59, 505-528, 2013
Significance of hypoburrow nodule formation associated with large biogenic sedimentary structures in open-marine bay siliciclastics of the Upper Eocene Birket Qarun Formation …
ZA Abdel-Fattah, MK Gingras, SG Pemberton
Sedimentary geology 233 (1-4), 111-128, 2011
Depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp: An example from the cenomanian to Turonian Galala Formation in the northern Eastern …
ZA Abdel-Fattah, MA Kora, SA Raafat
Journal of African Earth Sciences 147, 352–373, 2018
Pliocene and Plio-Pleistocene macrofauna from the Red Sea coastal plain (Egypt): biostratigraphy and biogeography
M Kora, Z Abdel-Fattah
Geologica et Palaeontologica 34, 219-235, 2000
Bioerosion in the Miocene Reefs of the northwest Red Sea, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, EM Assal
Lethaia, 2016
Fluvial architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Nubia Sandstones: An ancient example of sandy braided rivers in central Eastern Desert, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah
Sedimentary Geology 420, 105923, 2021
Facies transition and depositional architecture of the Late Eocene tidedominated delta in northern coast of Birket Qarun, Fayum, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah
Journal of African Earth Sciences 119, 185-203, 2016
The Upper Neoproterozoic lacustrine–fan delta depositional systems associated with braided alluvial fans in the Nubian Shield, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, H Sehsah
Sedimentary Geology 452, 106426, 2023
Origin of compound biogenic sedimentary structures in Eocene strata of Wadi El-Hitan universal heritage area, Fayum, Egypt: Mangrove roots or not?
ZA Abdel-Fattah, MK Gingras
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 560, 110048, 2020
Bioerosion in the middle Eocene larger foraminifer Nummulites in the Fayum depression, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah
Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 129 (6), 774-781, 2018
Lithostratigraphy and facies development of the Neogene-Quaternary succession in the Marsa Alam area, Red Sea coastal plain, Egypt
HM El-Asmar, ZA Abdel-Fattah
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen 217 (3), 397-431, 2000
Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper cretaceous Aruma formation, NE Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
MH Al-Hashim, HM El-Asmar, ZA Abdel-Fattah
Journal of African Earth Sciences 188, 104479, 2022
Facies architecture and controlling factors induced depositional model of the Quaternary carbonate eolianites in the northwestern Mediterranean coast of Egypt
EM Assal, ZA Abdel-Fattah, HM El Asmar
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2020
Morpho-sedimentary characteristics and generated primary sedimentary structures on the modern microtidal sandy coast of eastern Nile Delta, Egypt.
A Abdel-Fattah
Journal of African earth Sciences 150, 355-378, 2019
Sedimentology, ichnology, and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Eocene succession in the Fayum Depression, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah
Taxonomy, Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography of the Middle Eocene Nautiloid Cephalopods from the Midawara Formation, Fayum, Egypt
SA Raafat, ZA Abdel-Fattah, MA Kora
Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science 14 (3), 25-41, 2024
Ediacaran microbial mats and microbially induced sedimentary structures in lacustrine deposits, Arabo-Nubian Shield, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, H Sehsah, RCC Buntin
Sedimentary Geology 457, 106517, 2023
Sedimentary Environments and Depositional Characters of the Middle-Upper Eocene Succession in the Fayum Depression, Egypt
ZA Abdel-Fattah, KG Murray, WC Michael, SG Pemberton
2007 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2007
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Articles 1–20