Aaron Berk
Aaron Berk
Machine Learning Research Scientist, Deep Render
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Cited by
Enrichment map profiling of the cancer invasion front suggests regulation of colorectal cancer progression by the bone morphogenetic protein antagonist, gremlin-1
GS Karagiannis, A Berk, A Dimitromanolakis, EP Diamandis
Molecular oncology 7 (4), 826-839, 2013
Regulating the eukaryotic cell cycle
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Molecular cell biology, 849-902, 2000
Molecular cell biology sixth edition
H Lodish, A Berk, C Kaiser, M Krieger, M Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
New York: WH Freeman and Company, 2008
P., Baltimore D. and Darnell, J. 2000
H Lodish, AZ Berk, M SL
Molecular Cell Biology (4th Edition) WH Freeman and Co., New York, USA, 0
LASSO reloaded: a variational analysis perspective with applications to compressed sensing
A Berk, S Brugiapaglia, T Hoheisel
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 (4), 1102-1129, 2023
Vesicular traffic, secretion and endocytosis
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Molecular Cell Biology, K. Ahr, ed (New York, England: WH Freeman and …, 2008
Molecular Cell Biology (Lodish
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Molecular Cell Biology, sixth ed. WH Freeman, 2007
A coherence parameter characterizing generative compressed sensing with Fourier measurements
A Berk, S Brugiapaglia, B Joshi, Y Plan, M Scott, Ö Yilmaz
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 3 (3), 502-512, 2022
Sensitivity of ℓ1 minimization to parameter choice
A Berk, Y Plan, Ö Yilmaz
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 10 (2), 397-453, 2021
Square Root LASSO: Well-Posedness, Lipschitz Stability, and the Tuning Trade-Off
A Berk, S Brugiapaglia, T Hoheisel
SIAM Journal on Optimization 34 (3), 2609-2637, 2024
Matsudaira P Molecular Cell Biology
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh
New York: Freeman, 2007
Post-transcriptional gene control
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Molecular Cell Biology 358, 367, 2007
On the best choice of LASSO program given data parameters
A Berk, Y Plan, Ö Yılmaz
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (4), 2573-2603, 2021
Biomembrane structure
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Mol Cell Biol. 6th ed. New York: WH Freeman, 2008
Cell signaling I: Signal transduction and short-term cellular processes
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, MP Scott, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, ...
Molecular Cell Biology, 6th ed.; WH Freeman and Company: New York, NY, USA …, 2007
Deep generative demixing: Error bounds for demixing subgaussian mixtures of Lipschitz signals
A Berk
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Parameter instability regimes in sparse proximal denoising programs
A Berk, Y Plan, Ö Yilmaz
2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications …, 2019
Molecular Cell Biology.: Nueva York
H Lodish, A Berk, CA Kaiser, M Krieger, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, A Amon, ...
WH Freeman and Company, 2016
Molecular Cell Biology (7a Edição, pp. 936–937)
H Lodish, A Berk, C Kaiser, M Krieger, A Bretscher, H Ploegh, A Amon, ...
New York: WH Freeman and Company, 2013
Learning from small data: Classifying sex from retinal images via deep learning
A Berk, G Ozturan, P Delavari, D Maberley, Ö Yılmaz, I Oruc
Plos one 18 (8), e0289211, 2023
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Articles 1–20