Calvin Rans
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Cited by
Fatigue performance of additively manufactured meta-biomaterials: The effects of topology and material type
SM Ahmadi, R Hedayati, Y Li, K Lietaert, N Tümer, A Fatemi, CD Rans, ...
Acta biomaterialia 65, 292-304, 2018
Misinterpreting the results: How similitude can improve our understanding of fatigue delamination growth
C Rans, R Alderliesten, R Benedictus
Composites Science and Technology 71 (2), 230-238, 2011
The applicability of magnesium based fibre metal laminates in aerospace structures
R Alderliesten, C Rans, R Benedictus
Composites Science and Technology 68 (14), 2983-2993, 2008
Isolated and modulated effects of topology and material type on the mechanical properties of additively manufactured porous biomaterials
R Hedayati, SM Ahmadi, K Lietaert, B Pouran, Y Li, H Weinans, CD Rans, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 79, 254-263, 2018
Mechanical behaviour of thermoplastic composites spot-welded and mechanically fastened joints: A preliminary comparison
T Zhao, G Palardy, IF Villegas, C Rans, M Martinez, R Benedictus
Composites Part B: Engineering 112, 224-234, 2017
Riveting process induced residual stresses around solid rivets in mechanical joints
C Rans, PV Straznicky, R Alderliesten
Journal of aircraft 44 (1), 323-329, 2007
Applicability of AZ31B-H24 magnesium in Fibre Metal Laminates–An experimental impact research
T Pärnänen, R Alderliesten, C Rans, T Brander, O Saarela
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 43 (9), 1578-1586, 2012
Effects of applied stress ratio on the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured porous biomaterials under compressive loading
J de Krijger, C Rans, B Van Hooreweder, K Lietaert, B Pouran, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 70, 7-16, 2017
Fatigue performance of auxetic meta-biomaterials
HMA Kolken, AF Garcia, A Du Plessis, C Rans, MJ Mirzaali, AA Zadpoor
Acta Biomaterialia 126, 511-523, 2021
Predicting the influence of temperature on fatigue crack propagation in Fibre Metal Laminates
CD Rans, RC Alderliesten, R Benedictus
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78 (10), 2193-2201, 2011
Application of a modified Wheeler model to predict fatigue crack growth in Fibre Metal Laminates under variable amplitude loading
SU Khan, RC Alderliesten, CD Rans, R Benedictus
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (9), 1400-1416, 2010
Beyond the orthogonal: On the influence of build orientation on fatigue crack growth in SLM Ti-6Al-4V
C Rans, J Michielssen, M Walker, W Wang
International Journal of Fatigue 116, 344-354, 2018
On sequential ultrasonic spot welding as an alternative to mechanical fastening in thermoplastic composite assemblies: A study on single-column multi-row single-lap shear joints
T Zhao, C Rans, IF Villegas, R Benedictus
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 120, 1-11, 2019
The role of rivet installaton on the fatigue performance of riveted lap joints
CD Rans
Carleton University, 2007
Effect of residual stress redistribution and weld reinforcement geometry on fatigue crack growth of butt welded joints
AR Shahani, I Shakeri, CD Rans
International Journal of Fatigue 139, 105780, 2020
Mechanisms of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in auxetic meta-biomaterials
HMA Kolken, AF Garcia, A Du Plessis, A Meynen, C Rans, L Scheys, ...
Acta biomaterialia 138, 398-409, 2022
Further studies into crack growth in additively manufactured materials
AP Iliopoulos, R Jones, JG Michopoulos, N Phan, C Rans
Materials 13 (10), 2223, 2020
The meaning of threshold fatigue in fibre metal laminates
R Alderliesten, C Rans
International journal of fatigue 31 (2), 213-222, 2009
Modelling the variability and the anisotropic behaviour of crack growth in SLM Ti-6Al-4V
R Jones, C Rans, AP Iliopoulos, JG Michopoulos, N Phan, D Peng
Materials 14 (6), 1400, 2021
Assessing the effects of riveting induced residual stresses on fatigue crack behaviour in lap joints by means of fractography
CD Rans, RC Alderliesten, PV Straznicky
International journal of fatigue 31 (2), 300-308, 2009
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Articles 1–20