Theresa Burg
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The influence of parental relatedness on reproductive success
W Amos, J Worthington Wilmer, K Fullard, TM Burg, JP Croxall, D Bloch, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Sampling for microsatellite-based population genetic studies: 25 to 30 individuals per population is enough to accurately estimate allele frequencies
ML Hale, TM Burg, TE Steeves
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45170, 2012
Mechanisms of population differentiation in seabirds
VL Friesen, TM Burg, KD McCoy
Molecular Ecology 16 (9), 1765-1785, 2007
Global relationships amongst black‐browed and grey‐headed albatrosses: analysis of population structure using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites
TM Burg, JP Croxall
Molecular Ecology 10 (11), 2647-2660, 2001
Global population structure and taxonomy of the wandering albatross species complex
TM Burg, JP Croxall
Molecular Ecology 13 (8), 2345-2355, 2004
Perils of paralogy: using HSP70 genes for inferring organismal phylogenies
AP Martin, TM Burg
Systematic biology 51 (4), 570-587, 2002
Mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA analyses of harbour seal population structure in the northeast Pacific Ocean
TM Burg, AW Trites, MJ Smith
Canadian Journal of Zoology 77 (6), 930-943, 1999
Low reproductive success in territorial male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) suggests the existence of alternative mating strategies
NJ Gemmell, TM Burg, IL Boyd, W Amos
Molecular Ecology 10 (2), 451-460, 2001
Rapid divergence and postglacial colonization in western North American Steller's jays (Cyanocitta stelleri)
TM Burg, AJ Gaston, K Winker, VL Friesen
Molecular Ecology 14 (12), 3745-3755, 2005
Effects of Pleistocene glaciations on population structure of North American chestnut‐backed chickadees
TM Burg, AJ Gaston, K Winker, VL Friesen
Molecular ecology 15 (9), 2409-2419, 2006
Unravelling dispersal patterns in an expanding population of a highly mobile seabird, the northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)
TM Burg, J Lomax, R Almond, ML Brooke, W Amos
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Interspecific dominance relationships and hybridization between black-capped and mountain chickadees
A Grava, T Grava, R Didier, LA Lait, J Dosso, E Koran, TM Burg, KA Otter
Behavioral Ecology 23 (3), 566-572, 2012
Genetic signals of demographic expansion in downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) after the last North American glacial maximum
PC Pulgarín-R, TM Burg
PloS one 7 (7), e40412, 2012
Telomere length measurement by qPCR in birds is affected by storage method of blood samples
S Reichert, H Froy, W Boner, TM Burg, F Daunt, R Gillespie, K Griffiths, ...
Oecologia 184, 341-350, 2017
When east meets west: population structure of a high-latitude resident species, the boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus)
LA Lait, TM Burg
Heredity 111 (4), 321-329, 2013
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in albatrosses.
TM Burg
Molecular Ecology 8 (2), 1999
A review of historical and contemporary processes affecting population genetic structure of Southern Ocean seabirds
KJ Munro, TM Burg
Emu-Austral Ornithology 117 (1), 4-18, 2017
Influence of ecological and geological features on rangewide patterns of genetic structure in a widespread passerine
RV Adams, TM Burg
Heredity 114 (2), 143-154, 2015
Molecular markers provide insights into contemporary and historic gene flow for a non‐migratory species
BA Graham, TM Burg
Journal of Avian Biology 43 (3), 198-214, 2012
Provenance and sex ratio of Black-browed Albatross, Thalassarche melanophrys, breeding on Campbell Island, New Zealand
PJ Moore, TM Burg, GA Taylor, CD Millar
Emu-Austral Ornithology 101 (4), 329-334, 2001
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Articles 1–20