Hafiz Imtiaz
Hafiz Imtiaz
Graduate Student, Rutgers University
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Cited by
A template matching approach of one-shot-learning gesture recognition
U Mahbub, H Imtiaz, T Roy, MS Rahman, MAR Ahad
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (15), 1780-1788, 2013
A wavelet-based dominant feature extraction algorithm for palm-print recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
Digital Signal Processing 23 (1), 244-258, 2013
An optical flow based approach for action recognition
U Mahbub, H Imtiaz, MAR Ahad
14th international conference on computer and information technology (ICCIT …, 2011
Distributed Differentially-Private Algorithms for Matrix and Tensor Factorization
H Imtiaz, AD Sarwate
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 12 (6), 2018
Differentially private distributed principal component analysis
H Imtiaz, AD Sarwate
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
A face recognition scheme using wavelet based dominant features
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.1485, 2011
Symmetric matrix perturbation for differentially-private principal component analysis
H Imtiaz, AD Sarwate
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
A DCT-based feature extraction algorithm for palm-print recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
2010 International Conference on Communication Control and Computing …, 2010
Action recognition algorithm based on optical flow and RANSAC in frequency domain
H Imtiaz, U Mahbub, MAR Ahad
SICE Annual Conference 2011, 1627-1631, 2011
Action recognition based on statistical analysis from clustered flow vectors
U Mahbub, H Imtiaz, MAR Ahad
Signal, Image and Video Processing 8, 243-253, 2014
A histogram-based dominant wavelet domain feature selection algorithm for palm-print recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
Computers & Electrical Engineering 39 (4), 1114-1128, 2013
A face recognition scheme using wavelet-based local features
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, 313-316, 2011
Human Activity Recognition from Wi-Fi CSI Data Using Principal Component-Based Wavelet CNN
IA Showmik, TF Sanam, H Imtiaz
Elsevier Digital Signal Processing, 2022
A wavelet-domain local feature selection scheme for face recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
2011 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing, 448-451, 2011
A spectral domain dominant feature extraction algorithm for palm-print recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
International Journal of Image Processing 5 (2), 130-144, 2011
Distributed Differentially Private Computation of Functions with Correlated Noise
H Imtiaz, J Mohammadi, AD Sarwate
arXiv e-prints, 2019
A DCT-based local dominant feature extraction algorithm for palm-print recognition
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 32, 1179-1204, 2013
A Novel Pre-processing Technique for DCT-domain Palm-print Recognition
H Imtiaz, SAF Shubhra Aich
International Journal of scientific & TechnologyResearch 1 (3), 2012
Coinstac: Collaborative informatics and neuroimaging suite toolkit for anonymous computation
H Gazula, R Kelly, J Romero, E Verner, BT Baker, RF Silva, H Imtiaz, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (54), 2166, 2020
A curvelet domain face recognition scheme based on local dominant feature extraction
H Imtiaz, SA Fattah
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 386505, 2012
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Articles 1–20