mariagrazia CAPIZZI
mariagrazia CAPIZZI
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A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wang, A Goldenberg, CA Dorison, JK Miller, A Uusberg, JS Lerner, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1089-1110, 2021
Rhythms that speed you up.
D Sanabria, M Capizzi, Á Correa
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (1), 236, 2011
Dissociating controlled from automatic processing in temporal preparation
M Capizzi, D Sanabria, Á Correa
Cognition 123 (2), 293-302, 2012
Acquisition of the temporal and ordinal structure of movement sequences in incidental learning
JX O'Reilly, KJ McCarthy, M Capizzi, AC Nobre
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (5), 2731-2735, 2008
Temporal preparation driven by rhythms is resistant to working memory interference
MD De la Rosa, D Sanabria, M Capizzi, A Correa
Frontiers in psychology 3, 308, 2012
Temporal orienting of attention is interfered by concurrent working memory updating
M Capizzi, A Correa, D Sanabria
Neuropsychologia 51 (2), 326-339, 2013
Domain-independent neural underpinning of task-switching: an fMRI investigation
A Vallesi, S Arbula, M Capizzi, F Causin, D D'Avella
Cortex 65, 173-183, 2015
Interpersonal effects of emotion in a multi-round Trust Game.
MI Tortosa, T Strizhko, M Capizzi, M Ruz
Psicologica: International Journal of Methodology and Experimental …, 2013
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Legate, T Ngyuen, N Weinstein, A Moller, L Legault, Z Vally, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (22), 2022
Short-term memory improvement after simultaneous interpretation training
L Babcock, M Capizzi, S Arbula, A Vallesi
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 1, 254-267, 2017
Bayesian modeling of temporal expectations in the human brain
A Visalli, M Capizzi, E Ambrosini, I Mazzonetto, A Vallesi
Neuroimage 202, 116097, 2019
Dissociating explicit and implicit timing in Parkinson’s disease patients: evidence from bisection and foreperiod tasks
G Mioni, M Capizzi, A Vallesi, Á Correa, R Di Giacopo, F Stablum
Frontiers in human neuroscience 12, 17, 2018
Foreperiod priming in temporal preparation: Testing current models of sequential effects
M Capizzi, Á Correa, A Wojtowicz, RD Rafal
Cognition 134, 39-49, 2015
In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
CA Dorison, JS Lerner, BH Heller, AJ Rothman, II Kawachi, K Wang, ...
Affective science 3 (3), 577-602, 2022
Electroencephalographic correlates of temporal Bayesian belief updating and surprise
A Visalli, M Capizzi, E Ambrosini, B Kopp, A Vallesi
NeuroImage 231, 117867, 2021
Explicit and implicit timing in older adults: Dissociable associations with age and cognitive decline
M Capizzi, A Visalli, A Faralli, G Mioni
PloS one 17 (3), e0264999, 2022
Measuring temporal preparation
M Capizzi, Á Correa
Timing and time perception: Procedures, measures, & applications, 216-232, 2018
Electrophysiological evidence for domain-general processes in task-switching
M Capizzi, E Ambrosini, S Arbula, I Mazzonetto, A Vallesi
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 124, 2016
How life experience shapes cognitive control strategies: the case of air traffic control training
S Arbula, M Capizzi, N Lombardo, A Vallesi
PloS one 11 (6), e0157731, 2016
Task-switching preparation across semantic and spatial domains: An event-related potential study
M Capizzi, K Fehér, B Penolazzi, A Vallesi
Biological psychology 110, 148-158, 2015
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Articles 1–20