Jan de Wit
Jan de Wit
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Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots. A Large-Scale Study.
P Vogt, R van den Berghe, M de Haas, L Hoffmann, J Kanero, E Mamus, ...
2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, 497-505, 2019
Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots: A Large-Scale Study
P Vogt, R van den Berghe, M de Haas, L Hoffman, J Kanero, E Mamus, ...
2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2019
Guidelines for designing social robots as second language tutors
T Belpaeme, P Vogt, R Van den Berghe, K Bergmann, T Göksun, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 10 (3), 325-341, 2018
The effect of a robot's gestures and adaptive tutoring on children's acquisition of second language vocabularies
J de Wit, T Schodde, B Willemsen, K Bergmann, M de Haas, S Kopp, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 acm/ieee international conference on human-robot …, 2018
Live Streams on Twitch Help Viewers Cope With Difficult Periods in Life
J de Wit, A van der Kraan, J Theeuwes
Frontiers in psychology 11, 3162, 2020
A toy or a friend? Children's anthropomorphic beliefs about robots and how these relate to second‐language word learning
R van den Berghe, M de Haas, O Oudgenoeg‐Paz, E Krahmer, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2020
Using self-determination theory in social robots to increase motivation in L2 word learning
P van Minkelen, C Gruson, P van Hees, M Willems, J de Wit, R Aarts, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2020
Varied Human-Like Gestures for Social Robots: Investigating the Effects on Children's Engagement and Language Learning
J de Wit, A Brandse, E Krahmer, P Vogt
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2020
A robot teaching young children a second language: The effect of multiple interactions on engagement and performance
E Rintjema, R van den Berghe, A Kessels, J de Wit, P Vogt
Companion of the 2018 acm/ieee international conference on human-robot …, 2018
Predictors of contact tracing app adoption: Integrating the UTAUT, HBM and contextual factors
NE van der Waal, J de Wit, N Bol, W Ebbers, L Hooft, E Metting, ...
Technology in Society 71, 102101, 2022
Semantically related gestures move alike: Towards a distributional semantics of gesture kinematics
W Pouw, J de Wit, S Bögels, M Rasenberg, B Milivojevic, A Ozyurek
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2021
Brainstorming with a Social Robot Facilitator: Better than Human Facilitation Due to Reduced Evaluation Apprehension?
J Geerts, J de Wit, A de Rooij
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 156, 2021
Teaching Turkish‐Dutch kindergartners Dutch vocabulary with a social robot: Does the robot's use of Turkish translations benefit children's Dutch vocabulary learning?
H Leeuwestein, M Barking, H Sodacı, O Oudgenoeg‐Paz, J Verhagen, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2020
Design and evaluation of RaPIDO, a platform for rapid prototyping of interactive outdoor games
I Soute, T Vacaretu, JD Wit, P Markopoulos
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 24 (4), 28, 2017
Engagement in longitudinal child-robot language learning interactions: Disentangling robot and task engagement
M de Haas, P Vogt, R van den Berghe, P Leseman, O Oudgenoeg-Paz, ...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 100501, 2022
A mobile app for longterm monitoring of narcolepsy symptoms: design, development, and evaluation
L Quaedackers, J De Wit, S Pillen, M Van Gilst, N Batalas, GJ Lammers, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (1), e14939, 2020
Electronic Brainstorming With a Chatbot Partner: A Good Idea Due to Increased Productivity and Idea Diversity
B Wieland, J de Wit, A de Rooij
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 880673, 2022
The design and observed effects of robot-performed manual gestures: A systematic review
J de Wit, P Vogt, E Krahmer
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 2022
Digital Confessions: Exploring the Role of Chatbots in Self-Disclosure
C van der Lee, E Croes, J de Wit, M Antheunis
Evaluation 7, 21, 2019
Individual differences in children’s (language) learning skills moderate effects of robot-assisted second language learning
R Van den Berghe, O Oudgenoeg-Paz, J Verhagen, S Brouwer, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 259, 2021
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Articles 1–20