Nathan W. Monroe
Nathan W. Monroe
Professor of Political Science, University of California Merced
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Cited by
Agenda setting in the US Senate: Costly consideration and majority party advantage
C Den Hartog, NW Monroe
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Buying negative agenda control in the US House
JA Jenkins, NW Monroe
American Journal of Political Science 56 (4), 897-912, 2012
Do Restrictive Rules Produce Nonmedian Outcomes? A Theory with Evidence from the 101st− 108th Congresses
NW Monroe, G Robinson
The Journal of Politics 70 (1), 217-231, 2008
On Measuring Legislative Agenda‐Setting Power
JA Jenkins, NW Monroe
American journal of political science 60 (1), 158-174, 2016
The value of majority status: The effect of Jeffords's switch on asset prices of republican and democratic firms
C Den Hartog, NW Monroe
Legislative Studies Quarterly 33 (1), 63-84, 2008
Why not parties?: party effects in the United States Senate
NW Monroe, JM Roberts, DW Rohde
University of Chicago Press, 2009
The Speaker's Discretion: Conference Committee Appointments in the 97th through 106th Congresses
J Lazarus, NW Monroe
Political Research Quarterly 60 (4), 593-606, 2007
Unpacking agenda control in congress: individual roll rates and the republican revolution
JL Carson, NW Monroe, G Robinson
Political Research Quarterly 64 (1), 17-30, 2011
Who converts to vote-by-mail? Evidence from a field experiment
NW Monroe, DE Sylvester
Election Law Journal 10 (1), 15-35, 2011
Agenda influence and tabling motions in the US Senate
C Den Hartog, NW Monroe
Why Not Parties? Party Effects in the United States Senate, 142-58, 2008
Negative agenda control and the conservative coalition in the US House
JA Jenkins, NW Monroe
The Journal of Politics 76 (4), 1116-1127, 2014
Testing the basis of incumbency advantage: strategic candidates and term limits in the California legislature
EJ Engstrom, NW Monroe
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 6 (1), 1-20, 2006
Partisan agenda control in the US house: A theoretical exploration
JA Jenkins, NW Monroe
Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (4), 555-570, 2012
‘Party Agenda Control in the Senate: A Preliminary Hearing
MH Crespin, NW Monroe
Typescript. University of Georgia, 2005
The policy impact of unified government: evidence from 2000 to 2002
NW Monroe
Public Choice 142, 111-124, 2010
Legislative process in international organizations
CR Conrad, NW Monroe
International Studies Review 23 (3), 605-615, 2021
Agenda control and electoral success in the US House
D Fortunato, NW Monroe
British Journal of Political Science 50 (4), 1583-1592, 2020
Amendment Politics and Agenda Setting: A Theory with Evidence from the US House of Representatives
DB Magleby, NW Monroe, G Robinson
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 34 (1), 108-131, 2018
Introduction: assessing the impact of parties in the US Senate
NW Monroe, JM Roberts, DW Rohde
Why not parties, 1-19, 2008
The Jeffords Switch: Changing Majority Status and Causal Processes in the US Senate
C Den Hartog, N Monroe
Legislative Politics and Polic, 2019
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Articles 1–20