Mikael Skoglund
Cited by
Cited by
Combining beamforming and orthogonal space-time block coding
G Jongren, M Skoglund, B Ottersten
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 48 (3), 611-627, 2002
Nested polar codes for wiretap and relay channels
M Andersson, V Rathi, R Thobaben, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (8), 752-754, 2010
Multiple-user cooperative communications based on linear network coding
M Xiao, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 58 (12), 3345-3351, 2010
Subspace estimation and decomposition for large millimeter-wave MIMO systems
H Ghauch, T Kim, M Bengtsson, M Skoglund
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 10 (3), 528-542, 2016
Design of network codes for multiple-user multiple-relay wireless networks
M Xiao, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 60 (12), 3755-3766, 2012
On the expected rate of slowly fading channels with quantized side information
TT Kim, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (4), 820-829, 2007
On the capacity of a multiple-antenna communication link with channel side information
M Skoglund, G Jongren
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 21 (3), 395-405, 2003
Advances in device-to-device communications and network coding for IMT-advanced
A Osseiran, K Doppler, C Ribeiro, M Xiao, M Skoglund, J Manssour
ICT Mobile Summit, 1-8, 2009
Cognitive radio in a frequency-planned environment: some basic limits
EG Larsson, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (12), 4800-4806, 2008
Hybrid digital–analog source–channel coding for bandwidth compression/expansion
M Skoglund, N Phamdo, F Alajaji
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (8), 3757-3763, 2006
Diversity–multiplexing tradeoff in MIMO channels with partial CSIT
TT Kim, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (8), 2743-2759, 2007
Federated learning over wireless IoT networks with optimized communication and resources
H Chen, S Huang, D Zhang, M Xiao, M Skoglund, HV Poor
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (17), 16592-16605, 2022
Symmetric private information retrieval for MDS coded distributed storage
Q Wang, M Skoglund
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Decentralized beamforming design for intelligent reflecting surface-enhanced cell-free networks
S Huang, Y Ye, M Xiao, HV Poor, M Skoglund
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (3), 673-677, 2020
Quantized feedback information in orthogonal space-time block coding
G Jongren, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50 (10), 2473-2486, 2004
Polar codes for cooperative relaying
R Blasco-Serrano, R Thobaben, M Andersson, V Rathi, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 60 (11), 3263-3273, 2012
Robust utilization of feedback information in space-time coding
G Jöngren, M Skoglund
US Patent App. 09/797,951, 2001
Utilizing quantized feedback information in orthogonal space-time block coding
G Jongren, M Skoglund
Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record …, 2000
Design and performance of VQ-based hybrid digital-analog joint source-channel codes
M Skoglund, N Phamdo, F Alajaji
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 (3), 708-720, 2002
Sensor networks for cognitive radio: Theory and system design
B Mercier, V Fodor, R Thobaben, M Skoglund, V Koivunen, S Lindfors, ...
ICT mobile summit, 10-17, 2008
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Articles 1–20