Yi Ding
Yi Ding
Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry
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Land‐use intensification reduces functional redundancy and response diversity in plant communities
E Laliberte, JA Wells, F DeClerck, DJ Metcalfe, CP Catterall, C Queiroz, ...
Ecology letters 13 (1), 76-86, 2010
Large trees drive forest aboveground biomass variation in moist lowland forests across the tropics
JWF Slik, G Paoli, K McGuire, I Amaral, J Barroso, M Bastian, L Blanc, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 22 (12), 1261-1271, 2013
Disturbance regime changes the trait distribution, phylogenetic structure and community assembly of tropical rain forests
Y Ding, R Zang, SG Letcher, S Liu, F He
Oikos 121 (8), 1263-1270, 2012
Distribution of vascular epiphytes along a tropical elevational gradient: disentangling abiotic and biotic determinants
Y Ding, G Liu, R Zang, J Zhang, X Lu, J Huang
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19706, 2016
Recovery of woody plant diversity in tropical rain forests in southern China after logging and shifting cultivation
Y Ding, R Zang, S Liu, F He, SG Letcher
Biological Conservation 145 (1), 225-233, 2012
Within-and among-species variation in specific leaf area drive community assembly in a tropical cloud forest
W Long, R Zang, BS Schamp, Y Ding
Oecologia 167, 1103-1113, 2011
Functional diversity increases with species diversity along successional gradient in a secondary tropical lowland rainforest
W Bu, R Zang, YI Ding
Tropical Ecology 55 (3), 393-401, 2014
Competition and facilitation co-regulate the spatial patterns of boreal tree species in Kanas of Xinjiang, northwest China
P Liu, W Wang, Z Bai, Z Guo, W Ren, J Huang, Y Xu, J Yao, Y Ding, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 467, 118167, 2020
The impacts of selective logging and clear-cutting on woody plant diversity after 40 years of natural recovery in a tropical montane rain forest, south China
Y Ding, R Zang, X Lu, J Huang
Science of the Total Environment 579, 1683-1691, 2017
Plant functional traits are the mediators in regulating effects of abiotic site conditions on aboveground carbon stock-evidence from a 30 ha tropical forest plot
W Bu, J Huang, H Xu, R Zang, Y Ding, Y Li, M Lin, J Wang, C Zhang
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1958, 2019
The effect of environmental filtering on variation in functional diversity along a tropical elevational gradient
Yi Ding, Runguo Zang, Xinghui Lu, Jihong Huang, Yue Xu
Journal of Vegetation Science 30, 973-983, 2019
Field observed relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning during secondary succession in a tropical lowland rainforest
W Bu, R Zang, Y Ding
Acta Oecologica 55, 1-7, 2014
Interspecific and intraspecific variation in functional traits of subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forests
Q Tang, Y Huang, Y Ding, R Zang
Biodiversity Science 24 (3), 262, 2016
Air temperature and soil phosphorus availability correlate with trait differences between two types of tropical cloud forests
W Long, R Zang, Y Ding
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 206 (10), 896-903, 2011
Effects of logging on the diversity of lianas in a lowland tropical rain forest in Hainan Island, South China
Y Ding, R Zang
Biotropica 41 (5), 618-624, 2009
Associations between plant composition/diversity and the abiotic environment across six vegetation types in a biodiversity hotspot of Hainan Island, China
Y Jiang, R Zang, SG Letcher, Y Ding, Y Huang, X Lu, J Huang, W Liu, ...
Plant and soil 403, 21-35, 2016
Determinants of aboveground biomass in forests across three climatic zones in China
Y Ding, R Zang
Forest Ecology and Management 482, 118805, 2021
Forest recovery on abandoned logging roads in a tropical montane rain forest of Hainan Island, China
R Zang, Y Ding
Acta Oecologica 35 (3), 462-470, 2009
Community characteristics of early recovery vegetation on abandoned lands of shifting cultivation in Bawangling of Hainan Island, South China
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 47 (5), 530-538, 2005
Effects of soil and microclimatic conditions on the community-level plant functional traits across different tropical forest types
Y Jiang, R Zang, X Lu, Y Huang, Y Ding, W Liu, W Long, J Zhang, ...
Plant and Soil 390, 351-367, 2015
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Articles 1–20