Keiko Shikako
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Cited by
Determinants of participation in leisure activities in children and youth with cerebral palsy: systematic review
K Shikako-Thomas, A Majnemer, M Law, L Lach
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics 28 (2), 155-169, 2008
Quality of life and leisure participation in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities: a thematic analysis of the literature
N Dahan-Oliel, K Shikako-Thomas, A Majnemer
Quality of Life Research 21, 427-439, 2012
Engaging stakeholders in rehabilitation research: a scoping review of strategies used in partnerships and evaluation of impacts
C Camden, K Shikako-Thomas, T Nguyen, E Graham, A Thomas, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 37 (15), 1390-1400, 2015
Quality of life from the perspective of adolescents with cerebral palsy:“I just think I’ma normal kid, I just happen to have a disability”
K Shikako-Thomas, L Lach, A Majnemer, J Nimigon, K Cameron, ...
Quality of life Research 18, 825-832, 2009
Play and be happy? Leisure participation and quality of life in school‐aged children with cerebral palsy
K Shikako-Thomas, N Dahan-Oliel, M Shevell, M Law, R Birnbaum, ...
International journal of pediatrics 2012 (1), 387280, 2012
Leisure activity preferences for 6‐to 12‐year‐old children with cerebral palsy
A Majnemer, K SHIKAKO‐THOMAS, N Chokron, M Law, M Shevell, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 52 (2), 167-173, 2010
Determinants of participation in leisure activities among adolescents with cerebral palsy
K Shikako-Thomas, M Shevell, N Schmitz, L Lach, M Law, C Poulin, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (9), 2621-2634, 2013
Promoting leisure participation as part of health and well-being in children and youth with cerebral palsy
K Shikako-Thomas, N Kolehmainen, M Ketelaar, M Bult, M Law
Journal of child neurology 29 (8), 1125-1133, 2014
Rehabilitation service utilization in children and youth with cerebral palsy
A Majnemer, K Shikako‐Thomas, L Lach, M Shevell, M Law, N Schmitz, ...
Child: care, health and development 40 (2), 275-282, 2014
Community engagement and knowledge translation: Progress and challenge in autism research
M Elsabbagh, A Yusuf, S Prasanna, K Shikako-Thomas, CA Ruff, ...
Autism 18 (7), 771-781, 2014
Assuming ability of youth with autism: Synthesis of methods capturing the first-person perspectives of children and youth with disabilities
R Tesfaye, V Courchesne, A Yusuf, T Savion-Lemieux, I Singh, ...
Autism 23 (8), 1882-1896, 2019
Picture me playing—A portrait of participation and enjoyment of leisure activities in adolescents with cerebral palsy
K Shikako-Thomas, M Shevell, L Lach, M Law, N Schmitz, C Poulin, ...
Research in Developmental Disabilities 34 (3), 1001-1010, 2013
Behavioral difficulties in adolescents with cerebral palsy
M Brossard-Racine, J Waknin, K Shikako-Thomas, M Shevell, C Poulin, ...
Journal of child neurology 28 (1), 27-33, 2013
Stability of leisure participation from school-age to adolescence in individuals with cerebral palsy
A Majnemer, K Shikako-Thomas, N Schmitz, M Shevell, L Lach
Research in Developmental Disabilities 47, 73-79, 2015
Mastery motivation in adolescents with cerebral palsy
A Majnemer, K Shikako-Thomas, L Lach, M Shevell, M Law, N Schmitz
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (10), 3384-3392, 2013
Parents’ perspectives on the quality of life of adolescents with cerebral palsy: trajectory, choices and hope
K Shikako-Thomas, A Bogossian, LM Lach, M Shevell, A Majnemer
Disability and rehabilitation 35 (25), 2113-2122, 2013
Are you doing what you want to do? Leisure preferences of adolescents with cerebral palsy
K Shikako-Thomas, M Shevell, L Lach, M Law, N Schmitz, C Poulin, ...
Developmental neurorehabilitation 18 (4), 234-240, 2015
Strategies used to engage hard-to-reach populations in childhood disability research: a scoping review
M Gonzalez, M Phoenix, S Saxena, R Cardoso, M Canac-Marquis, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 43 (19), 2815-2827, 2021
Using an evidence-based online module to improve parents' ability to support their child with Developmental Coordination Disorder
C Camden, V Foley, D Anaby, K Shikako-Thomas, C Gauthier-Boudreault, ...
Disability and Health Journal 9 (3), 406-415, 2016
Policies supporting participation in leisure activities for children and youth with disabilities in Canada: from policy to play
K Shikako-Thomas, M Law
Disability & Society 30 (3), 381-400, 2015
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Articles 1–20