maheran zakaria
maheran zakaria
Associate Professor of Accounting
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Antecedent Factors of Whistleblowing in Organizations
M Zakaria
Procedia Economics and Finance 28, 230-234, 2015
The theory of planned behaviour as a framework for whistle-blowing intentions
M Zakaria, SNAA Razak, MSA Yusoff
Rev. Eur. Stud. 8, 221, 2016
The influence of human needs in the perspective of Maqasid al-Syari'ah on Zakat distribution effectiveness
M Zakaria
Asian Social Science 10 (3), 165, 2014
Effects of Human Needs Based on the Integration of Needs as Stipulated in Maqasid Syariah and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs on Zakah Distribution Efficiency of Asnaf Assistance …
M Zakaria, NAA Malek
Jurnal Pengurusan 40, 2014
Accounting as a choice of academic program
M Zakaria, WNA Wan Fauzi, SJ Hasan
Journal of Academic Minds 6 (1), 1-20, 2012
Optimization of growth and extracellular glucoamylase production by Candida famata isolate
L Mohamed, M Zakaria, A Ali, W Senhaji, O Mohamed, E Mohamed, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 6 (22), 2007
Knowledge of ethics, perceived ethical problems and ethical judgments
M Zakaria, H Haron, I Ismail
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 8 (1), 50-64, 2010
Effects of Planned Behavior on Whistle Blowing Intention: Evidence from Malaysian Police Department
Z Maheran
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (7), 2352 - 2365, 2016
Firefly algorithm for path optimization in PCB holes drilling process
MM Ismail, MA Othman, HA Sulaiman, MH Misran, RH Ramlee, ...
2012 International Conference on Green and Ubiquitous Technology, 110-113, 2012
Cooperative resilience during the pandemic: Indonesia and Malaysia evidence
I Yuhertiana, M Zakaria, D Suhartini, HW Sukiswo
Sustainability 14 (10), 5839, 2022
Management Control System in Asnaf Entrepreneurship Development Program by Lembaga Zakat Selangor.
NH Samba Mohamed, NA Mastuki, SN Syed Yusuf, M Zakaria
Jurnal Pengurusan, 2018
The Effects of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs on Zakah Distribution Efficiency of Asnaf Assistance Busimess Program
NAAM Maheran Zakaria, Junaidah Hanim Ahmad
Malaysian Accounting Review 13 (1), 2014
Benefits and challenges of adopting Google Classroom in Malaysian University: Educators' perspectives
M Zakaria, JH Ahmad, R Bahari, SJ Hasan, S Zolkaflil
Ilkogretim Online-Elementary Education Online 20 (1), 1296-1304, 2021
Perceived corporate credibility, service quality, knowledge and self-efficacy with business zakat compliance
SM Ab Rahman, M Zakaria, R Shaari, NA Nawi, NAM Zain
Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development 4 (21), 2019
Comparison of shear strength properties for undisturbed and reconstituted Parit Nipah Peat, Johor
ATS Azhar, W Norhaliza, B Ismail, ME Abdullah, MN Zakaria
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (1), 012058, 2016
Governance and Effciency of Zakah Distribution Based on the Dire Necessities of Maqasid Al-Syariah
M Zakaria, MSA Yusoff, Z Sanusi
International Journal of Financial Research 10 (5), 191-203, 2019
Exploring Benefits and Challenges of Adopting Google Classroom in the Perspective of Higher Institution’s Learners
M Zakaria, HA Bustaman, K Abd Manaf, R Abd Rahman
Test Engineering and management 83 (2), 9739-9749, 2020
Adopting the planned behavioural theory in predicting whistleblowing intentions among indonesian public officials
M Zakaria, N Omar, I Rosnidah, HA Bustamana, SN Hadiyati
Management & Accounting Review (MAR) 19 (3), 25-47, 2020
Are MOOCs in blended learning more effective than traditional classrooms for undergraduate learners
RAR Maheran Zakaria, Suryani Awang
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7 (11), 2417-2424, 2019
Breaking the silence: The efficacy of whistleblowing in improving transparency
S Razak, W Noor, M Zakaria
Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ) 3 (4), 35-39, 2015
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Articles 1–20