Mohammad S. Al-Harahsheh
Cited by
Cited by
Microwave-assisted leaching—a review
M Al-Harahsheh, SW Kingman
Hydrometallurgy 73 (3-4), 189-203, 2004
Fly ash-based geopolymer for Pb removal from aqueous solution
K Al-Zboon, MS Al-Harahsheh, FB Hani
Journal of hazardous materials 188 (1-3), 414-421, 2011
Solar desalination using solar still enhanced by external solar collector and PCM
M Al-harahsheh, M Abu-Arabi, H Mousa, Z Alzghoul
Applied Thermal Engineering 128, 1030-1040, 2018
Microwave drying kinetics of tomato pomace: Effect of osmotic dehydration
M Al-Harahsheh, H Ala’a, TRA Magee
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 48 (1), 524-531, 2009
Review of the hydrometallurgical processing of non-sulfide zinc ores
E Abkhoshk, E Jorjani, MS Al-Harahsheh, F Rashchi, M Naazeri
Hydrometallurgy 149, 153-167, 2014
Thermal decomposition of brominated flame retardants (BFRs): Products and mechanisms
M Altarawneh, A Saeed, M Al-Harahsheh, BZ Dlugogorski
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 70, 212-259, 2019
Fly ash based geopolymer for heavy metal removal: A case study on copper removal
MS Al-Harahsheh, K Al Zboon, L Al-Makhadmeh, M Hararah, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3 (3), 1669-1677, 2015
Effect of demineralization and heating rate on the pyrolysis kinetics of Jordanian oil shales
M Al-Harahsheh, O Al-Ayed, J Robinson, S Kingman, A Al-Harahsheh, ...
Fuel Processing Technology 92 (9), 1805-1811, 2011
Theoretical modeling of a glass-cooled solar still incorporating PCM and coupled to flat plate solar collector
M Abu-Arabi, M Al-Harahsheh, M Ahmad, H Mousa
Journal of Energy Storage 29, 101372, 2020
Microwave treatment of electric arc furnace dust with PVC: dielectric characterization and pyrolysis-leaching
M Al-Harahsheh, S Kingman, L Al-Makhadmah, IE Hamilton
Journal of hazardous materials 274, 87-97, 2014
Surface modification and characterization of Jordanian kaolinite: application for lead removal from aqueous solutions
M Al-Harahsheh, R Shawabkeh, A Al-Harahsheh, K Tarawneh, ...
Applied Surface Science 255 (18), 8098-8103, 2009
Treatments of electric arc furnace dust and halogenated plastic wastes: A review
M Al-Harahsheh, J Al-Nu’airat, A Al-Otoom, H Al-jabali, M Al-zoubi
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (1), 102856, 2019
Ferric chloride leaching of chalcopyrite: Synergetic effect of CuCl2
M Al-Harahsheh, S Kingman, A Al-Harahsheh
Hydrometallurgy 91 (1-4), 89-97, 2008
Theoretical investigation of solar desalination with solar still having phase change material and connected to a solar collector
M Abu-Arabi, M Al-harahsheh, H Mousa, Z Alzghoul
Desalination 448, 60-68, 2018
The influence of microwaves on the leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite
M Al-Harahsheh, S Kingman, N Hankins, C Somerfield, S Bradshaw, ...
Minerals Engineering 18 (13-14), 1259-1268, 2005
Drying characteristics and quality change of unutilized-protein rich-tomato pomace with and without osmotic pre-treatment
H Ala’a, M Al-Harahsheh, M Hararah, TRA Magee
Industrial Crops and Products 31 (1), 171-177, 2010
Effect of demineralization of El-lajjun Jordanian oil shale on oil yield
A Al-Harahsheh, M Al-Harahsheh, A Al-Otoom, M Allawzi
Fuel Processing Technology 90 (6), 818-824, 2009
Heating rate effect on fractional yield and composition of oil retorted from El-lajjun oil shale
A Al-Harahsheh, O Al-Ayed, R Abu-El-Halawah
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 89 (2), 239-243, 2010
Microwave-assisted total digestion of sulphide ores for multi-element analysis
M Al-Harahsheh, S Kingman, C Somerfield, F Ababneh
Analytica chimica acta 638 (1), 101-105, 2009
Dielectric properties of Jordanian oil shales
M Al-Harahsheh, S Kingman, A Saeid, J Robinson, G Dimitrakis, ...
Fuel Processing Technology 90 (10), 1259-1264, 2009
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Articles 1–20