Mani Ranjbar
Mani Ranjbar
Sanctuary AI
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Cited by
A robust learning approach to domain adaptive object detection
M Khodabandeh, A Vahdat, M Ranjbar, WG Macready
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 480-490, 2019
Stacks of convolutional restricted boltzmann machines for shift-invariant feature learning
M Norouzi, M Ranjbar, G Mori
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2735-2742, 2009
Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation with Self-correcting Networks
MS Ibrahim, A Vahdat, M Ranjbar, WG Macready
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
Quantum processor based systems and methods that minimize an objective function
WG Macready, M Ranjbar, F Hamze, G Rose, S Gildert
US Patent 9,218,567, 2015
A discriminative key pose sequence model for recognizing human interactions
A Vahdat, B Gao, M Ranjbar, G Mori
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV …, 2011
Systems and methods for problem solving, useful for example in quantum computing
F Hamze, AD King, J Raymond, AP Roy, R Israel, E Andriyash, ...
US Patent 9,881,256, 2018
Optimizing nondecomposable loss functions in structured prediction
M Ranjbar, T Lan, Y Wang, SN Robinovitch, ZN Li, G Mori
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (4), 911-924, 2012
Systems and methods for finding quantum binary optimization problems
R Israel, WG Macready, Z Bian, F Chudak, M Ranjbar
US Patent 10,275,422, 2019
Systems and methods for finding quantum binary optimization problems
R Israel, WG Macready, Z Bian, F Chudak, M Ranjbar
US Patent 10,275,422, 2019
A large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues
BYS Khanloo, F Stefanus, M Ranjbar, ZN Li, N Saunier, T Sayed, G Mori
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116 (6), 676-689, 2012
Systems and methods for machine learning
WG Macready, F Hamze, FA Chudak, M Ranjbar, JR Raymond, JT Rolfe
US Patent App. 15/452,438, 2017
Quantum processor based systems and methods that minimize an objective function
WG Macready, M Ranjbar, F Hamze, G Rose, S Gildert
US Patent 10,467,543, 2019
Quantum processor based systems and methods that minimize a continuous variable objective function
M Ranjbar
US Patent 9,424,526, 2016
Spatial error concealment: A novel exemplar-based approach using segmentation
M Ranjbar, S Kasaei
Computers & Electrical Engineering 35 (4), 536-548, 2009
Complex loss optimization via dual decomposition
M Ranjbar, A Vahdat, G Mori
2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2304-2311, 2012
Max-margin offline pedestrian tracking with multiple cues
BYS Khanloo, F Stefanus, M Ranjbar, ZN Li, N Saunier, T Sayed, G Mori
2010 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 347-353, 2010
Generalized Ramsey numbers through adiabatic quantum optimization
M Ranjbar, WG Macready, L Clark, F Gaitan
Quantum Information Processing 15 (9), 3519-3542, 2016
Fast and accurate image inpainting for advanced video coders
M Ranjbar, S Kasaei
Systems and methods for domain adaptation
A Vahdat, M Ranjbar, M Khodabandeh, WG Macready, Z Bian
US Patent App. 16/779,035, 2020
Moving Cast Shadow Detection Using Texture Information
M Ranjbar, S Kasaei
The 12th Annual CSI Computer Conference, CSICC, 1448-1451, 0
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Articles 1–20